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 scent [sent]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 踪迹, 痕迹, 线索, 嗅觉

vt. 闻出, 嗅, 发觉, 使充满气味

vi. 嗅猎, 发出气味

[医] 香气, 臭气, 气味

    [ noun ]
    1. a distinctive odor that is pleasant

    2. <noun.cognition>
    3. an odor left in passing by which a person or animal can be traced

    4. <noun.cognition>
    5. any property detected by the olfactory system

    6. <noun.attribute>
    [ verb ]
    1. cause to smell or be smelly

    2. <verb.perception> odorize odourise
    3. catch the scent of; get wind of

    4. <verb.perception>
      nose wind
      The dog nosed out the drugs
    5. apply perfume to

    6. <verb.body>
      She perfumes herself every day

    Scent \Scent\, n.
    1. That which, issuing from a body, affects the olfactory
    organs of animals; odor; smell; as, the scent of an
    orange, or of a rose; the scent of musk.

    With lavish hand diffuses scents ambrosial. --Prior.

    2. Specifically, the odor left by an animal on the ground in
    passing over it; as, dogs find or lose the scent; hence,
    course of pursuit; track of discovery.

    He gained the observations of innumerable ages, and
    traveled upon the same scent into Ethiopia. --Sir W.

    3. The power of smelling; the sense of smell; as, a hound of
    nice scent; to divert the scent. --I. Watts.

    Scent \Scent\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scented}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Scenting}.] [Originally sent, fr. F. sentir to feel, to
    smell. See {Sense}.]
    1. To perceive by the olfactory organs; to smell; as, to
    scent game, as a hound does.

    Methinks I scent the morning air. --Shak.

    2. To imbue or fill with odor; to perfume.

    Balm from a silver box distilled around,
    Shall all bedew the roots, and scent the sacred
    ground. --Dryden.

    Scent \Scent\, v. i.
    1. To have a smell. [Obs.]

    Thunderbolts . . . do scent strongly of brimstone.

    2. To hunt animals by means of the sense of smell.

    1. It isn't something you can take or leave," Marilyn says of the skunk's scent, a spray designed by nature as the animal's first line of defense.
    2. The question set political watchdogs' noses a-quiver on news that extra tickets for yesterday's royal garden party had been sent to Congress House. False scent.
    3. Summer is also the time to sniff the lemon-ice scent of the grandifloras and to look at some surprising newcomers, Brooklynensis Grex.
    4. A spokeswoman says the alcohol-free fragrance has a "citrus scent that simply enhances the natural smell of a baby."
    5. Even the air was calm, and the scent of orange blossom suffused the still air.
    6. Many people complain that scent is almost unavailable later in the season, but they forget their tobacco plants and are among the hundreds of gardeners who overlook the easiest of white lilies, Lilium formosanum.
    7. It closed a whisker off the day's high as dealers picked up the scent of an imminent and big corporate deal or takeover bid.
    8. Toss and set aside while you peel the mango and cut its flesh into crescent moon slices. Both the scent and the taste of the fruit should be lusciously rich.
    9. "We had high hopes," Salvatore said, sitting on his porch as a morning breeze delivered a sugary scent from nearby fields.
    10. For most people in this country, the ultimate withdrawal of the Indian troops is a joyous scent." Many Indian newspapers criticized the military operation, accusing their government of fighting "somebody else's dirty war."
    11. Now, it would be choosing a scent based not on Mr. Guerlain's intuition and experience but on the reactions of target groups of young women, rounded up in European and U.S. shopping malls and testing rooms.
    12. I am truly blessed." Throughout the festival, the smoky air was rich with the scent of sizzling sausage and lamb burgers cooking on grills.
    13. His only ally is a hip flask of sloe gin, "the keeper's drink." Picking up the potent, garlicky scent of a fox, Mr. Count pans his lamp and spots a pair of flame-red eyes in a beet field.
    14. Inspired by such pleas, MEM will bring back the scent this fall with the new name Classic Form.
    15. The marketers didn't start with a great scent, a great name or even a great idea.
    16. Abbado concentrates on making the score sound limpid and lustrous, the scoring substantial and picturesque: buoyant rhythms pick up swirling sea-breezes, delicately fashioned phrasing catches fountain ripples, the scent of evening air.
    17. We scent 150 minutes of Hollywood delirium from the first thumping chords of Dave Grusin's piano score over a lateral tracking-shot along Memphis' skyscraper-lined river.
    18. Ms. Taylor will personally introduce the scent at stores throughout the country next fall as part of a $10 million advertising campaign.
    19. And there is, sadly, nothing new about children killing other children - as those with memories long enough to remember the case of Mary Bell will know. Such considerations count for little, however, when politicians scent an issue of popular concern.
    20. A faintly medicinal scent mixes with the tobacco smoke in the conference room.
    21. The Board of Trade's Mr. Mahlmann recently warned his members: "Our industry and indeed everything we stand for has been tainted with the scent of scandal.
    22. Just launched is the bath range to go with last summer's successful scent - gardenia, hyacinth and fruit-based-Gio by Armani. Hair needs sun protection, too.
    23. L'Oreal also lost FFr60m on its investment in Lanvin, the Paris fashion house now being relaunched in a joint venture with the Recamier family. L'Oreal plans to launch a new Armani women's scent this year and a male version of its Paloma fragrance.
    24. When the family returned home, Johnson persuaded Amy to take a shower, thinking that perhaps she had picked up the scent of other cats.
    25. Hotel shops are closed, except for the Bangladeshi scent man in the lobby.
    26. Be sure to allow a generous width of grass so that the daphnes do not eventually block the way through. Single bushes will scent anyone's garden, so try a short walk of Somerset and watch out for visiting monks on the nap.
    27. A shifting breeze had threatened to carry our scent, forcing us to climb above the hinds where a steady breeze allowed an approach.
    28. The scent of lilac blossom filled the air as the taxi climbed into the steep hills of Buda which overlook Pest and the rich Hungarian plains beyond.
    29. The fishing world was awakened, however, in the early to mid-1980s thanks to widespread advertising and articles about Dr. Juice and another manufactured scent, Fish Formula.
    30. Not only colour and shape but scent should also come into the choice of magnolias we make.
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