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 scenario [si'nɑ:riәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剧本提纲, 情节, 剧本, 方案, 事态

[计] 方案

[经] 远景方案

    [ noun ]
    1. an outline or synopsis of a play (or, by extension, of a literary work)

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a setting for a work of art or literature

    4. <noun.location>
      the scenario is France during the Reign of Terror
    5. a postulated sequence of possible events

    6. <noun.communication>
      planners developed several scenarios in case of an attack

    Scenario \Sce*na"ri*o\, n. [It.]
    A preliminary sketch of the plot, or main incidents, of an

    1. The scenario, played out 13 years ago in what became known as the Tiananmen Incident, is being repeated with haunting similarities as students mourn former Communist Party chief Hu Yaobang and demand political reforms.
    2. That scenario gained credence Wednesday when U.S. military officials conceded that some vital American ground forces might not be ready by the Jan. 15 deadline.
    3. Based on a forgotten scenario by William Faulkner, one of de Gaulle's most fervent admirers, director Denys Granier-Deferre has made a TV movie recounting the war years.
    4. It's a spend-the-surplus scenario similar to that played out to unhappy results in the Northeast.
    5. Mr. Vogel said a more likely scenario would be a leveraged buy-out, but even that isn't realistic now.
    6. This scenario of high costs and a potentially stroppy workforce undoubtedly deters some companies from investing in the country. This factor has even persuaded some businesses that are already there to switch to less expensive locations.
    7. But some see peril in the scenario approach.
    8. But the scenario may change soon and possibly injure the Australian dollar.
    9. Abrams' grim scenario has not panned out.
    10. The increase was greater than expected, but the Fed still left the door open for a future increase later this year or early in 1995. 'It's a bear market scenario.
    11. This scenario never has to play if we learn more about long-term care itself and the resources available to cover the risks of "not having enough."
    12. "The third, and more likely scenario as I see it, is that the dollar may decline a further 10% or so," says Mr. Dessauer.
    13. It was a scenario that involved little pain for the Soviets, provided it left intact their gains in the developing world.
    14. This scenario will be recognizable to every Soviet citizen.
    15. Baring forecasts, in its most likely scenario, index targets of 3,180 for end-1994 and 4,177 for end-1995.
    16. The Dow industrials opened 12 points higher, building on a powerful 67-point advance which began late last week. Yesterday's economic news provided additional support to a scenario which had triggered the rally on Friday.
    17. If this is done, he believes, the scenario of a government destroyed and a president damaged by an angry Congress of Peoples Deputies, which opens on December 1, could be avoided. If not?
    18. But the scenario was disrupted by the sharp drop in demand and the escalation in construction costs.
    19. That scenario, however, also assumes a settlement is reached with the loss-making Names seeking compensation in court. Mr Middleton said applications had been made by about 30 corporate vehicles to enter the market next year.
    20. In such a scenario, the domestic financial markets would be a perpetual hostage to the threat of balance-of-payments crises and investment would remain depressed because of uncertainty about both the sustainability of demand and the cost of capital.
    21. Kaliningrad has become one of the great arms bazaars in a region awash with military equipment and demoralised soldiers. The most worrisome scenario remains the prospect of a destabilising wave of economic refugees.
    22. With a low inflation scenario you have got to be pretty sure you get it right first time, so we have to examine projects with greater thoroughness than 10 years ago.'
    23. If I stood here worrying bout this scenario or that, or about odds, I would not be running as a candidate for mayor of Chicago.
    24. She and former Levine client Maidenform were expected to land at the same agency, but that scenario failed to materialize after Maidenform tapped WPP Group's Ogilvy & Mather last week.
    25. Sun's aim is to replay the personal-computer-market scenario, in which millions of clones of International Business Machines Corp.'s PC made the IBM design a de facto standard.
    26. "For a while we were looking at the worst of all worlds, a scenario of extremely high interest rates coupled with a sloppy economy," he said.
    27. Officials in this community about five miles east of Flint said they are investigating this possible scenario: The woman snatched Bud Lite from his yard, switched his collar and tags with her doomed dog's tags and turned him in to the shelter.
    28. Under the current circumstances, he says, their scenario no longer seems unrealistic.
    29. This happy scenario could, however, be disrupted if one dangerously unpredictable external force comes into play: politics. The market got its first real taste of election-year politics in New Hampshire, and did not like what it saw.
    30. Couch potatoes in the classroom? It's a likely scenario this fall as more and more cable networks tout educational offerings specifically designed as teaching aids.
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