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 safety catch 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 安全制动装置

    safety catch
    [ noun ]
    guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired

    Safety \Safe"ty\, n. [Cf. F. sauvet['e].]
    1. The condition or state of being safe; freedom from danger
    or hazard; exemption from hurt, injury, or loss.

    Up led by thee,
    Into the heaven I have presumed,
    An earthly guest . . . With like safety guided down,
    Return me to my native element. --Milton.

    2. Freedom from whatever exposes one to danger or from
    liability to cause danger or harm; safeness; hence, the
    quality of making safe or secure, or of giving confidence,
    justifying trust, insuring against harm or loss, etc.

    Would there were any safety in thy sex,
    That I might put a thousand sorrows off,
    And credit thy repentance! --Beau. & Fl.

    3. Preservation from escape; close custody.

    Imprison him, . . .
    Deliver him to safety; and return. --Shak.

    4. (Amer. Football) the act or result of a ball-carrier on
    the offensive team being tackled behind his own goal line,
    or the downing of a ball behind the offensive team's own
    goal line when it had been carried or propelled behind
    that goal line by a player on the offensive tream; such a
    play causes a score of two points to be awarded to the
    defensive team; -- it is distinguished from {touchback},
    when the ball is downed behind the goal after being
    propelled there or last touched by a player of the
    defending team. See {Touchdown}. Same as {Safety
    touchdown}, below.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

    5. Short for {Safety bicycle}. [archaic]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    6. a switch on a firearm that locks the trigger and prevents
    the firearm from being discharged unintentionally; -- also
    called {safety catch}, {safety lock}, or {lock}. [archaic]

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