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 safe house 添加此单词到默认生词本
1.安全藏身处 2.(间谍、恐怖分子的)藏身房,安全房

    safe house
    [ noun ]
    a house used as a hiding place or refuge by members of certain organizations

    Safe \Safe\, a. [Compar. {Safer}; superl. {Safest}.] [OE. sauf,
    F. sauf, fr. L. salvus, akin to salus health, welfare,
    safety. Cf. {Salute}, {Salvation}, {Sage} a plant, {Save},
    {Salvo} an exception.]
    1. Free from harm, injury, or risk; untouched or unthreatened
    by danger or injury; unharmed; unhurt; secure; whole; as,
    safe from disease; safe from storms; safe from foes. ``And
    ye dwelled safe.'' --1 Sam. xii. 11.

    They escaped all safe to land. --Acts xxvii.

    Established in a safe, unenvied throne. --Milton.

    2. Conferring safety; securing from harm; not exposing to
    danger; confining securely; to be relied upon; not
    dangerous; as, a safe harbor; a safe bridge, etc. ``The
    man of safe discretion.'' --Shak.

    The King of heaven hath doomed
    This place our dungeon, not our safe retreat.

    3. Incapable of doing harm; no longer dangerous; in secure
    care or custody; as, the prisoner is safe.

    But Banquo's safe?
    Ay, my good lord, safe in a ditch he bides. --Shak.

    {Safe hit} (Baseball), a hit which enables the batter to get
    to first base even if no error is made by the other side.

    {safe house}, a residence where a person in hiding from the
    authorities or other persons may stay without being

    Syn: Secure; unendangered; sure.

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