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 saddling   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Saddle \Sad"dle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Saddled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Saddling}.] [AS. sadelian.]
    1. To put a saddle upon; to equip (a beast) for riding.
    ``saddle my horse.'' --Shak.

    Abraham rose up early, . . . and saddled his ass.
    --Gen. xxii.

    2. Hence: To fix as a charge or burden upon; to load; to
    encumber; as, to saddle a town with the expense of bridges
    and highways.

    1. This is the company's first magazine launch since parent Time Inc. bought Warner Communications Inc. last year, saddling itself with debt and changing its name to Time Warner Inc.
    2. In January, LTV terminated its major pension plans, saddling the federal pension agency with an estimated $2.3 billion bill.
    3. Even so, the posses of Columbia and Dutchess counties won't be saddling up anytime soon.
    4. In the paddock before the go, the crowd of reporters, photographers and well-dressed gawkers around Alysheba pressed so close that trainer Jack Van Berg had to pause from his saddling ritual to warn the assemblage to stand back.
    5. China's breakneck economic development is endangering the country's environment and saddling society with a huge cleanup bill, the leading paper said Saturday.
    6. Since 1982, a fifth of the domestic steel industry has filed for bankruptcy-law protection, saddling the agency with a crushing $3.83 billion deficit.
    7. The Uniroyal Goodrich acquisition was criticised by many as saddling Michelin with extra production capacity and debt at just the wrong moment.
    8. The company expects ultimately to raise more money than originally planned, but only by also saddling itself with two debt issues.
    9. A judge ruled in October 1985 that it had _ and booted Kodak out of the instant photography business, saddling it with $600 million of losses and an estimated $200 million worth of useless manufacturing equipment.
    10. But hearings are scheduled to begin next month on the dangers of saddling airlines with additional debt and the issue of foreign-ownership stakes in U.S. carriers.
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