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 sackbut ['sækbʌt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 萨克布号, 三角竖琴

    [ noun ]
    a medieval musical instrument resembling a trombone

    Sackbut \Sack"but\, n. [F. saquebute, OF. saqueboute a sackbut,
    earlier, a sort of hook attached to the end of a lance used
    by foot soldiers to unhorse cavalrymen; prop. meaning, pull
    and push; fr. saquier, sachier, to pull, draw (perhaps
    originally, to put into a bag or take out from a bag; see
    {Sack} a bag) + bouter to push (see {Butt} to thrust). The
    name was given to the musical instrument from its being
    lengthened and shortened.] (Mus.)
    A brass wind instrument, like a bass trumpet, so contrived
    that it can be lengthened or shortened according to the tone
    required; -- said to be the same as the trombone. [Written
    also {sagbut}.] --Moore (Encyc. of Music).

    Note: The sackbut of the Scriptures is supposed to have been
    a stringed instrument.

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