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 runaway ['rʌnә,wei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 逃跑, 逃走的人, 逃亡, 压倒性的优胜

a. 逃亡的, 逃走的

[经] 如脱之马的(物价), 物价非涨

    [ noun ]
    1. an easy victory

    2. <noun.event>
    3. someone who flees from an uncongenial situation

    4. <noun.person>
      fugitives from the sweatshops
    [ adj ]
    1. completely out of control

    2. <adj.all>
      runaway inflation

    Runaway \Run"a*way`\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, flees from danger, duty,
    restraint, etc.; a fugitive.

    Thou runaway, thou coward, art thou fled? --Shak.

    2. The act of running away, esp. of a horse or teams; as,
    there was a runaway yesterday.

    Runaway \Run"a*way`\, a.
    1. Running away; fleeing from danger, duty, restraint, etc.;
    as, runaway soldiers; a runaway horse.

    2. Accomplished by running away or elopement, or during
    flight; as, a runaway marriage.

    1. Four days hence, on Monday, the regular winter conference of OPEC opens and all 13 members will begin the effort to take official action on the problem of runaway production.
    2. The results represent a big change from last year, when the company posted heavy losses, stemming from inventory problems and runaway expenses.
    3. The biggest losers in the American were Cleveland (a runaway last), Chicago and California (LA/Orange County).
    4. At 16, she had become a runaway supporting herself and her drug habit with prostitution.
    5. OPEC hopes to use a cease-fire between Iraq and Iran as the foundation for resolving several of its problems, including runaway production.
    6. The pilot of the runaway tub was also slightly injured, the newspaper reported.
    7. OPEC's agreement to limit its runaway crude oil production have boosted crude futures sharply higher, but skepticism that the agreement would hold up in the long term has severely limited the gains.
    8. But unless there's a crisis such as a Wall Street crash or runaway inflation, "they are not willing to admit that they or their programs should be a part of the solution." "There's a key element missing from the budget debate.
    9. The recommendations, which blame the nation's declining competitiveness in part on excessive litigation and runaway jury awards, would require a higher burden of proof to win punitive damages and limit them to the amount of compensatory damages.
    10. Has the search for Pooh, Prince Charle's runaway Jack Russell, extended to Saltwood castle, home of diarist and former minister Alan Clark?
    11. Investigators looking into last week's train collision and explosion say that no hand brakes were set on any of the 48 runaway rail cars that rolled backwards for nine miles and slammed into three locomotives.
    12. She is the runaway from the boonies who has met advanced artists and performers and has learned to mouth their lingo.
    13. Bank Negara itself raised the specter of a runaway current-account deficit in its annual economic report, released in April.
    14. But these measures haven't yet reduced the U.S.'s runaway $170 billion trade deficit and the corresponding West German and Japanese surpluses.
    15. The 65-year-old pragmatist stopped the runaway price spiral, boosted hard currency reserves and pushed foreign debt below $16 billion for the first time in more than a decade.
    16. Tugboats on Friday rounded up as many as 14 runaway grain barges that had broken loose during a collision.
    17. This developing country of 82 million can ill-afford to have the pact derailed by continued charges that its lax enforcement of environmental laws will attract runaway manufacturers in the U.S. seeking to escape tougher enforcement at home.
    18. As recently as Tuesday, Laughlintown residents presented a petition to the Ligonier Township Commission demanding the municipal government do something about the danger of runaway trucks on the highway, he said.
    19. The plan it is now crafting behind closed doors is an effort to use market forces to address the nation's two overwhelming health-care problems: runaway costs and limited access.
    20. Salomon Inc., reeling from runaway costs and weak trading results, posted a steep drop in net income for the third quarter.
    21. The 975-foot, 76-story Columbia Center, now the West Coast's tallest, has come to symbolize what some feel is runaway downtown growth at the expense of the rest of the city.
    22. The UK's experience also suggests that raising interest rates is a blunt way of controlling runaway credit growth.
    23. It is set in a New York City precinct house whose cops deal with such issues as drugs, police violence and runaway kids on the job and the officers' personal relationships at home.
    24. Entrepreneur starts company and has runaway hit.
    25. The priest who founded Covenant House, the nation's largest organization for runaway youths, resigned Tuesday after months of disputing allegations of sexual misconduct.
    26. A runaway heavy crane careened down four city blocks Wednesday, sideswiping or crushing 11 cars then crashing and burning, pinning the operator inside.
    27. The soybean market had sold off sharply Friday on speculation that economic reforms aimed at stemming Brazil's runaway inflation rate would be implemented over the weekend, causing soybean exports to resume after a week-long lull.
    28. Violent crime is increasing, and Brazilians look anxiously to neighboring Argentina, where runaway inflation has led to the looting of supermarkets and military unrest, as a example of what might be in store for them.
    29. A Soviet runaway said Saturday he hijacked an Aeroflot airliner to Sweden because he was upset about a quarrel with his father over a broken moped.
    30. Jesse Jackson scored a runaway victory over Michael Dukakis in the District of Columbia primary Tuesday, duplicating his 1984 primary win.
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