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 rotted 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. It is suggested to buy snacks in reputable retailers with sound hygienic conditions; in addition, it is necessary to check the expiry date of snacks in order to avoid eating unclean and rotted foods.
    建议去食品卫生条件好且声誉不错的零售店买零食。 另外,为了避免食用不干净和腐烂的食物,还需要查看食品是否超过保质期。
  2. The job rotted them.

[ adj ]
damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless
rotten floor boardsrotted beams
a decayed foundation

Rot \Rot\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Rotted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Rotting}.] [OE. rotien, AS. rotian; akin to D. rotten, Prov.
G. rotten, OHG. rozz?n, G. r["o]sten to steep flax, Icel.
rotna to rot, Sw. ruttna, Dan. raadne, Icel. rottin rotten.
[root]117. Cf. {Ret}, {Rotten}.]
1. To undergo a process common to organic substances by which
they lose the cohesion of their parts and pass through
certain chemical changes, giving off usually in some
stages of the process more or less offensive odors; to
become decomposed by a natural process; to putrefy; to

Fixed like a plant on his peculiar spot,
To draw nutrition, propagate, and rot. --Pope.

2. Figuratively: To perish slowly; to decay; to die; to
become corrupt.

Four of the sufferers were left to rot in irons.

Rot, poor bachelor, in your club. --Thackeray.

Syn: To putrefy; corrupt; decay; spoil.

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