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 rosary ['rәuzәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 玫瑰园, 玫瑰花坛

[医] 串珠形构造, 串珠

    [ noun ]
    a string of beads used in counting prayers (especially by Catholics)

    Rosary \Ro"sa*ry\, n.; pl. {Rosaries}. [LL. rosarium a string of
    beads, L. rosarium a place planted with roses, rosa a rose:
    cf. F. rosaire. See {Rose}.]
    1. A bed of roses, or place where roses grow. ``Thick
    rosaries of scented thorn.'' --Tennyson.

    2. (R.C.Ch.) A series of prayers (see Note below) arranged to
    be recited in order, on beads; also, a string of beads by
    which the prayers are counted.

    His idolized book, and the whole rosary of his
    prayers. --Milton.

    Note: A rosary consists of fifteen decades. Each decade
    contains ten Ave Marias marked by small beads, preceded
    by a Paternoster, marked by a larger bead, and
    concluded by a Gloria Patri. Five decades make a
    chaplet, a third part of the rosary. --Bp. Fitzpatrick.

    3. A chapelet; a garland; a series or collection, as of
    beautiful thoughts or of literary selections.

    Every day propound to yourself a rosary or chaplet
    of good works to present to God at night. --Jer.

    4. A coin bearing the figure of a rose, fraudulently
    circulated in Ireland in the 13th century for a penny.

    {Rosary shell} (Zo["o]l.), any marine gastropod shell of the
    genus {Monodonta}. They are top-shaped, bright-colored and

    1. She paused at each step to pray or to kiss the crucifix of her rosary after touching it to a spot where Christ's blood supposedly fell.
    2. The worshipers came to see three parishioners who knelt on the altar scribbling the "messages" in notebooks as the congregation recited the rosary, which is a series of prayers counted off on a string of beads, also called a rosary.
    3. The worshipers came to see three parishioners who knelt on the altar scribbling the "messages" in notebooks as the congregation recited the rosary, which is a series of prayers counted off on a string of beads, also called a rosary.
    4. Stephen Brennan in the title role is a creepy figure in a badly-hemmed black soutane, his waist encircled by a monster wooden rosary, a whiff of Rasputin about him.
    5. A a leftist magazine, Proceso, called it "a slap in the face of the revolution." Photographs show Pro kneeling in prayer, then standing before a government firing squad clutching a rosary and a crucifix and finally collapsing.
    6. Photographs show Pro kneeling in prayer, then standing before a government firing squad with his arms open and holding a rosary and a crucifix before collapsing and receiving a final shot from a police officer.
    7. As she talked, Mrs. Marcos sat at the dining room table clutching a rosary.
    8. She clutched a brown rosary and cried as Marcos was wheeled into the emergency room on a stretcher.
    9. Nguyen lost the rosary that his mother gave him.
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