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 riven   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Rive \Rive\, v. t. [imp. {Rived}; p. p. {Rived} or {Riven}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Riving}.] [Icel. r[=i]fa, akin to Sw. rifva to
    pull asunder, burst, tear, Dan. rive to rake, pluck, tear.
    Cf. {Reef} of land, {Rifle} a gun, {Rift}, {Rivel}.]
    To rend asunder by force; to split; to cleave; as, to rive
    timber for rails or shingles.

    I shall ryve him through the sides twain. --Chaucer.

    The scolding winds have rived the knotty oaks. --Shak.

    Brutus hath rived my heart. --Shak.

    Riven \Riv"en\,
    p. p. & a. from {Rive}.

    1. But the supercomputer industry is riven over Darpa's approach.
    2. The chain is a weak third competitor in a market which has been riven by price wars and over-capacity.
    3. The multinational force was riven with national rivalries and deeply resentful of the predominant role played by US troops outside the UN structure of command. Orders were not obeyed.
    4. But equally they saw a Europe unlikely to be riven by conflict.
    5. But in a region riven by centuries-old tribal feuds, overlaid with the political and territorial confrontations spawned in the postwar era, that unity has proved to be as elusive as a desert mirage.
    6. The country is riven by autonomy-minded republics, independence movements, and a crumbling economy.
    7. The party was 'so riven by civil war, so infected by its own internal enmity, that frankly they cannot provide any longer the effective united government that this country needs'. Mr Ashdown accused Mr Major of 'ducking the issues'.
    8. First, he is all too conscious of the weakness of his organisation in faraway Tunis: bereft of money and powerful friends after his disastrous alignment with Saddam Hussein in the Gulf war, and riven by internal dissension.
    9. Gairy's former administration had been riven by charges of corruption and repression.
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