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 riskless   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无危险的

    [ adj ]
    thought to be devoid of risk

    1. California real estate lending hardly seems riskless today, but Mr. Jolson says First Republic's management is savvy and cautious.
    2. The coupon yield on a bond is usually considered a relatively riskless rate of return.
    3. If you have a stable base, you can get a stable, more or less riskless income.
    4. Still, the equity premium over "riskless" investing in Treasury Bills came to 6.5 percent a year.
    5. The chance to generate "riskless capital gains" is a real deal for investors with big capital losses or tax loss carry-forwards, says William E. Donoghue, publisher of Donoghue's Money Letter.
    6. Had that person put the money in a relatively riskless savings account earning just over 5 percent annually, the after-tax, after-inflation profit might have been more than double that.
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