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 richly ['ritʃli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 富裕地, 丰富地, 充分地

    [ adv ]
    1. to an ample degree or in an ample manner

    2. <adv.all>
      these voices were amply represented
      we benefited richly
    3. in a rich manner

    4. <adv.all>
      he lives high
    5. in a rich and lavish manner

    6. <adv.all>
      lavishly decorated

    Richly \Rich"ly\, adv.
    In a rich manner.

    1. Early Christians built a cathedral on the Roman foundations, and elements of both remain in in the richly decorated Omayyed mosque, Islam's oldest surviving monumental mosque.
    2. Messrs. Bishop and Waldholz (hereinafter known as B-W) provide a quick refresher course in all these basics and then slow down to give a richly human account of the central inspiration that turned gene mapping into a practical business.
    3. It consists simply of an enormous rectangle of dark, richly worked brownish tarpaulin punctuated only by a small white and gold banner emblazoned with the six letters of the title.
    4. I found a couple of tiny but richly decorated churches.
    5. One of his paintings, which consists of richly brushed letters, in the manner of Jasper Johns, is titled "I'm Not Jasper Johns."
    6. The ads and richly colored, high-fashion spreads feature over-40 models whenever possible.
    7. We scribblers quickly concurred that not only was the bad rep of big-time college sports richly earned, but also that it could be corrected.
    8. They tend to be richly painted and rather intimate in scale and feeling-contemplative rather than dramatic, and sensuous rather than showy.
    9. It is a richly beautiful landscape, utterly engrossing to watch.
    10. For the past few years, clients have been reining in their ad spending, and have tried to cut commissions after seeing how richly paid were the ad executives involved in the recent agency-merger wave.
    11. Mr. Willis, star of the ABC television series "Moonlighting" and one of television's most richly paid spokesmen, is closely identified with bringing Seagram in just two years from fourth place in the cooler category to first place.
    12. While Iran inspires its fighters with religious fervor, Iraq sustains its war effort by paying soldiers well and compensating bereaved families richly.
    13. That would tend to suggest that corporate bonds are now richly priced relative to Treasurys.
    14. Chiffon, in ombre pastel shades and creamy pinks was also used for pants and skirts alike to go with richly embroidered evening jackets.
    15. The ending is abrupt, matter of fact. Reich and Korot have invented a richly woven tapestry, novel in its presentation, delicately balanced in the issues it raises.
    16. The village silversmith is gone, along with most of the elaborate jewelry he crafted _ gigantic bangles that jingled from the oasis' richly costumed women.
    17. But where "The Joy Luck Club" was a group portrait, "The Kitchen God's Wife" above all tells the story of how Winnie was once Weiwei, the most richly imagined character Ms. Tan has yet created.
    18. Philadelphia's was the most elegant and richly carved.
    19. The shape too is vase-like, with a tiny velvet richly embroidered blouse with high collar and long sleeves creating a narrow bodice to the flowing silk printed skirt or pajama pants below.
    20. Financial-services jobs and stock-market gains richly supported the city during the five-year bull market, spreading money and confidence while many other industries were shrinking.
    21. But Chrysler's board of directors, it appears, wants Mr. Iacocca to stay on the job, and will richly reward him for doing that.
    22. "As a native Southerner, I came here inspired by the vision of Bill Kovach for world-class journalism in this region so richly deserving of it," Marlette wrote. "Tragically, that dream was thwarted.
    23. Mireille Johnston's Cookery Course Part 2 (BBC) provides delicious back-up for her engaging television series. Jeanne Strang's Goose Fat & Garlic (Kyle Cathie, Pounds 9.99) is relaxed and richly inspiring.
    24. Last year, the chamber drafted a nominating letter that said it "richly deserves international recognition for its bold and visionary leadership in the cause of human freedom, which is a prerequisite to world peace."
    25. But, today, richly coloured velvet smoking jackets are to be seen in country house parties across the land, particularly in Scotland.
    26. The decision appeared to legitimise such practices. Many businesses would welcome a relaxation in competition policy because it confers freedom to profit richly if not fairly in the UK market, enabling a company to take bigger risks overseas.
    27. The area is famed for its egg-yolk yellow pasta, richly sauced or lavishly stuffed, and for balsamic vinegar, one of the most fashionable flavourings of our times.
    28. Still, doing business over a broad area has its drawbacks. Though protected during regional downturns, Key also can't benefit as richly as local banks when an area turns up.
    29. As deadpan as a Keaton comedy, as richly weird as an early David Lynch film.
    30. It richly deserves to be read.
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