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 revoke [ri'vәuk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 撤回, 废除

vi. 藏牌

n. 藏牌

[计] 取消权限程序

    [ noun ]
    1. the mistake of not following suit when able to do so

    2. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. fail to follow suit when able and required to do so

    2. <verb.competition>
    3. cancel officially

    4. <verb.communication> annul countermand lift overturn repeal rescind reverse vacate
      He revoked the ban on smoking
      lift an embargo
      vacate a death sentence

    Revoke \Re*voke"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Revoked};p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Revoking}.] [F. r['e]voquer, L. revocare; pref. re- re- +
    vocare to call, fr. vox, vocis, voice. See {Voice}, and cf.
    1. To call or bring back; to recall. [Obs.]

    The faint sprite he did revoke again,
    To her frail mansion of morality. --Spenser.

    2. Hence, to annul, by recalling or taking back; to repeal;
    to rescind; to cancel; to reverse, as anything granted by
    a special act; as,, to revoke a will, a license, a grant,
    a permission, a law, or the like. --Shak.

    3. To hold back; to repress; to restrain. [Obs.]

    [She] still strove their sudden rages to revoke.

    4. To draw back; to withdraw. [Obs.] --Spenser.

    5. To call back to mind; to recollect. [Obs.]

    A man, by revoking and recollecting within himself
    former passages, will be still apt to inculcate
    these sad memoris to his conscience. --South.

    Syn: To abolish; recall; repeal; rescind; countermand; annul;
    abrogate; cancel; reverse. See {Abolish}.

    Revoke \Re*voke"\, v. i. (Card Playing)
    To fail to follow suit when holding a card of the suit led,
    in violation of the rule of the game; to renege. --Hoyle.

    Revoke \Re*voke"\, n. (Card Playing)
    The act of revoking.

    She [Sarah Battle] never made a revoke. --Lamb.

    1. Rep. Dan Mica has written a letter to President Fidel Castro expressing "shock" over the Cuban government's decision to revoke visas which he and several aides had been given for travel to Cuba.
    2. Al Binder, Nixon's attorney, said the former judge "is very concerned and I'm sure he's upset." "I'm hopeful when they hear the whole story that they'll give him some consideration and not revoke his parole," Binder said.
    3. The board, which oversees professional licensing in the state, voted 14-0 to revoke Sarosi's license, Griffith said.
    4. Members of the National Accord are urging the government to revoke an electoral statute that allows the party receiving the majority of votes to automatically be granted a two-thirds majority in the house of deputies and senate.
    5. But da Nobrega said the agreement did not "formally revoke" the moratorium.
    6. Also, Shearson said it can revoke an award under certain conditions depending on a broker's performance.
    7. U S West Inc., pressured by anti-pornography activists, is preparing to revoke access by so-called dial-a-porn services to its 14-state telephone network.
    8. Doherty asked the Board of Immigration Appeals to revoke his concession that he was deportable after Ireland in December 1987 ratified the European Convention on Terrorism.
    9. Sixteen residents of the camp for youthful offenders were immediately relocated to other facilities pending the outcome of a hearing to revoke its operating permit, said Kathleen Norris, an agency spokeswoman.
    10. Hughes Aircraft, which lost out to IBM on the contract, last week asked the government to revoke the contract.
    11. The state of Minnesota is threatening to revoke the Warren, N.J.-based insurer's license unless it honors policies sold there.
    12. The American Medical Association has called on states to revoke any rights parents may now have to object on philosophical or religious grounds to vaccinations.
    13. It also said that the discretion given the police chief to issue, suspend and revoke licenses is not impermissibly broad.
    14. The Supreme Court today allowed Maryland officials to revoke the license of a day-care center where young children allegedly were abused physically and sexually.
    15. Danforth's bill would allow cities to regulate cable rates unless cable companies had effective local competition and would make it easier for cities to revoke the franchises of cable operators who do not serve the community well.
    16. As previously reported, state officials had threatened to revoke Southland's beer and wine licenses at 704 7-Eleven stores unless the company proved that its current executives weren't involved in matters leading to the conviction.
    17. Ohio Highway Director William M. Denihan notified William E. Keesee, owner of Pro Driving School of Elyria, that he plans to revoke his license as a driver training instructor and the license of the company as a school.
    18. The college wants to revoke a recommendation its pre-professional committee sent to medical school on the student's behalf, including one school that has accepted the student.
    19. The insurance commissioner also can revoke all licenses granted an insurer if it pulls out of the car insurance market because of the state's insurance laws.
    20. Mr. Borman said that should North Star not be in compliance with the ratio, he has the authority to revoke its right to issue debt within the state.
    21. The judge said that she "would never make such a ruling." Ms. Budzyn also said that because no birth-control device is "100 percent foolproof," she will not revoke Forster's lifetime probation.
    22. Once the court case is resolved, the EPA will officially propose to revoke the site designation.
    23. The new government was a historic victory for the nation's opposition movement, which has forced the government to open borders, promise free elections and revoke the Communists' constitutionally guaranteed leading role in society.
    24. In Connecticut, police officers will be permitted to revoke on the spot the license of a driver who fails a blood-alcohol test.
    25. It could only enjoin violators from repeating their activities or revoke their license, which some have called the regulatory equivalent of the death penalty.
    26. Under current rules, if the Joint Commission wants to decertify a lab, it must revoke the accreditation of the entire hospital.
    27. Allowed Maryland officials to revoke the license of a day-care center where young children allegedly were abused physically and sexually.
    28. Emery also has required that Purolator revoke its shareholders' rights provision and that Purolator complete the pending sale of its Canadian courier division to Onex Capital Ltd. for $166 million.
    29. The FDA told Vitarine two weeks ago that it planned to revoke the company's permits to manufacture 25 generic drugs because of untrue statements in Vitarine applications, American Cyanamid said.
    30. The Health Research Group, a consumer organization, wrote Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., last week asking Congress to revoke the agreement.
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