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 restitute ['rɛstə`tjut]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 复原, 归还

vi. 复原, 归还

[经] 偿还, 赔偿(损失等)


    Restitute \Res"ti*tute\ (r?s"t?*t?t), v. t. [L. restitutus, p.
    p. of restituere; pref. re- re- + statuere to put, place. See
    To restore to a former state. [R.] --Dyer.

    Restitute \Res"ti*tute\, n.
    That which is restored or offered in place of something; a
    substitute. [R.]

    1. Those convicted could be fined, ordered to restitute funds to those who had been damaged, and/or be disqualified from being directors. When individuals have not personally enriched themselves, a prison sentence often looks unnecessarily harsh.
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