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 rescuer ['rɛskjʊɚ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 救助者

    [ noun ]
    1. a person who rescues you from harm or danger

    2. <noun.person>
    3. someone who saves something from danger or violence

    4. <noun.person>

    Rescuer \Res"cu*er\ (-k?-?r), n.
    One who rescues.

    1. A mugging victim who says she was saved from "certain death" when a neighbor shot her two assailants has asked a judge to be lenient when he sentences her rescuer for an earlier drug conviction.
    2. Such drastic measures can be avoided if a white knight appears on the scene promising a more attractive offer, though typically this widely heralded rescuer sells off the crown jewels (the corporation's most desirable assets) as soon as he triumphs.
    3. Mr. Frank said First Nationwide previously had submitted a proposal through Salomon Brothers Inc., which has been retained to help the Bank Board find a rescuer for Financial Corp.
    4. It's about retaining the continuity of quality and tradition.' The Senate, and any prospective rescuer, will next week have to decide the price it will pay for maintaining, or neglecting, that tradition.
    5. " A rescuer eventually heard Mrs. Saffle's screams and carried her to safety.
    6. It is impossible to tell if a rescuer notices them.
    7. One rescuer found his sister's body in the debris.
    8. The first act ends with a bubble bath given to the girl by her rescuer.
    9. Boeing Co. apparently has become a rescuer of Allegis Corp. in an unusual arrangement involving an aircraft order and financing agreement.
    10. Gene Hackman is a pilot downed in Vietnam and Danny Glover is his rescuer in "Bat 21." The Vietnam trend continues with "Off Limits," in which Willem Dafoe and Gregory Hines investigate murders of Vietnamese prostitues.
    11. Britoil PLC began searching for a rescuer this weekend after Atlantic Richfield Co. said it plans to sell its Britoil stake to British Petroleum Co. for #606 million ($1.09 billion).
    12. According to Guido, the officer was conscious and "made some comments to the rescuer" when asked if he knew who might have done it.
    13. "I went running like crazy," said the rescuer, Marek Dabrowski, 46, who added that at first he thought the man had fallen into the water.
    14. "Time is a bidder's most strategic consideration," he said, since it allows the target to muster its defenses, mount a defensive recapitalization or seek a rescuer.
    15. A 7-year-old girl escaped from the car and was rescued, and a would-be rescuer was swept downstream before he managed to climb out, state police said.
    16. It is possible that it will find a rescuer.
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