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 resale [ri:'seil]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 再贩卖, 转售

[经] 再卖, 转卖

    [ noun ]
    the selling of something purchased

    Resale \Re*sale"\ (r?-s?l" or r?"s?l), n.
    A sale at second hand, or at retail; also, a second sale.

    1. In the morning, it purchased Pounds 34m of Band 1 bank bills, and Pounds 200m in repos for resale on 29 July.
    2. In addition, Cadillac is guaranteeing the resale value for leased 1987 model Allantes, some dealers said.
    3. Most of the revenue increase, about $17 million, relates to Vintage's new marketing unit, which purchases natural gas on the spot market for resale, the company said.
    4. Some holders say such vouchers are only worth about 50% of face value in the resale market.
    5. It stands to make huge profits from the resale of Beatrice Cos., which it took private last summer for $6.2 billion.
    6. The loss occurred because it had to mark down the loans for resale, and reduce to market value the loans it held in its own inventory.
    7. Seitel, which provides seismic data for the energy industry, said that while that industry struggles through economic woes, the company continues to experience strong operating results primarily from sales of new data and the resale of older data.
    8. Sales of the Pony, forecast at 18,000 to 20,000 in 1987, could also be hurt by poor resale value.
    9. The consumer programs traditionally favored by the U.S. Big Three have been criticized for hurting the image and resale value of the vehicles involved.
    10. About half a million used IBM PCs are placed with new users annually, either by transfer within organizations or through resale, Lyons said.
    11. The Calgary-based oil and gas producer said the $205 million project will generate steam heat for Syracuse University and electricity for resale to Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., a Syracuse-based electrical utility.
    12. Dealers' resale mark-ups vary widely.
    13. A well-kept car has a higher resale value, and some people insist that a clean car runs better than a dirty one.
    14. The House bill and its Senate counterpart would clarify that resale price maintenance is always illegal.
    15. "Although there were more resale decreases than increases, many of the declines were in comparison to a surge in sales during the first quarter of 1987," Tuccillo said.
    16. U.S. Home said Drexel may offer the notes for resale from time to time at prices to be determined later.
    17. Together, they help finance one of every four single-family home sales by purchasing mortgages, holding some and repackaging most into securities for resale to investors.
    18. Even though the new Golf is expected to look a little different from the old Golf, VWs have a better reputation among car buyers for quality and resale value.
    19. Now, a one-year-old Sentra has a resale value equal to 87% of its original purchase price.
    20. The resale value of fishing rights is based on the number of fish expected to be caught in a year along that particular stretch of river.
    21. In the secondary, or resale market, New Jersey Turnpike Authority's 7.20% bonds were quoted at 98 3/4, off 1/4, to yield 7.29%.
    22. The protesters demanded the government establish rent control and restrict insurance and investment firms from buying houses to quick resale.
    23. "It's champagne commercials for beer money," explains John Marchant, founder of TV-Link, a London company that acquires resale rights to what he considers "classic" British commercials.
    24. BCE Inc. has agreed to purchase 25 million dollars of the issue, the unit said, and the rest will be bought by securities concerns, including Wood Gundy Inc., for resale to the public.
    25. In the quarter, Freddie Mac bought, mainly for resale, $9.8 billion in mortgage loans, compared with $25.6 billion a year earlier.
    26. The SEC is especially interested in how the funds value those holdings, a complex question since there isn't an active "secondary," or resale, market for most such loans.
    27. Now investors who want to get out of these long-term investments find that they have few options besides the resale market.
    28. Two housing units are still available, and some are for resale.
    29. This also implies that the stock was acquired for the purposes of future resale.
    30. Trust America buys residential mortgages, packages them for resale in the form of mortgage-backed securities and sells the mortgage-servicing rights to investors.
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