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 repossessed   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. Fewer agricultural banks owned repossessed farmland last year than in 1987, a survey by the American Bankers Association indicates.
    2. As soon as the house is repossessed it will start deteriorating and it will be worth a lot less than I could sell it for now if the building society would only let me.
    3. If you default on your home improvement loan you can't stop your car from being repossessed as collateral, even though it's the only way you can get to work to make the money to pay off the loan.
    4. Authorities could suggest no motive other than that Pough had a 1988 Grand Am repossessed by GMAC.
    5. Prosecutors say Kavanaugh repossessed the 1981 Buick on Oct. 17 while DeRossette, 22, was training for Operation Desert Shield at Fort Rucker, Ala.
    6. Banks in the Corn Belt states averaged 264 acres of repossessed land worth $207,000, the smallest average among the five regions.
    7. In Waterloo, Iowa, a farm-equipment factory town, home sellers are competing with banks struggling to unload homes they've repossessed.
    8. In other words they were selling repossessed houses at well below the level of their insurance cover.
    9. Prosecutors contended he planned to send a bomb and an extortion note demanding $65,000 to a dealer who had repossessed his car.
    10. The programme should slow the fall in house prices by reducing the negative impact of auctioning repossessed homes.
    11. The two tankers, idling at Newport News, Va., since 1983, have since been repossessed by the government.
    12. The company said the car was a 1988 Pontiac Grand Am repossessed in January.
    13. Many properties sold at auction are empty, because they have been repossessed or are being sold by the executors of an estate.
    14. MeraBank officials on July 18 announced a turnaround plan for the savings bank, including layoffs, sales of subsidiaries and repossessed real estate, and tight restrictions on loan-making.
    15. Meanwhile, perhaps lenders will consider leasing repossessed homes to local authorities and housing associations so that they can be put to a useful purpose.
    16. Commonwealth's contribution to the real estate mess is about $670 million in repossessed property.
    17. Prosecutors contended he planned to use the bomb to extort $65,000 from an Atlanta auto dealer who had repossessed his car. The bomb exploded when Moody's wife at the time, Hazel, opened the package, injuring her.
    18. And the repossessed properties settled into government hands.
    19. Consequently, four of the 17 buildings built in Westshore in the past five years have been repossessed.
    20. GMAC repossessed Pough's car in January, then notified him in March that he still owed $6,394, the difference between the car's resell value and the amount of the loan.
    21. It charged off an estimated $200 million of Arizona loans, leaving the unit with a reserve for future losses of $255 million, about 61% of its $416 million of troubled loans and repossessed real estate.
    22. A car Reggie Lane repossessed had an unexpected accessory _ a 19-month-old baby comfortably asleep in the back seat.
    23. One was the show flat, at Pounds 600,000. But two buyers were repossessed, one of them committing suicide.
    24. The McNamar proposal could be warmly received by members of Congress from energy-producing states such as Texas, where already-weak real estate markets could be driven into a tailspin by the quick sale of repossessed property.
    25. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. plans to sell repossessed real estate from failed savings and loans in Texas "at a good price" after Congress approves a multibillion dollar bailout package, Sen. Phil Gramm said Thursday.
    26. As its name implies it will buy repossessed property, in London. However, it offers no guarantees.
    27. This compared with 275,350 at the end of last year. During the first half of the year, 35,750 properties were repossessed by lenders.
    28. Thrifts' delinquent loans and repossessed assets as a percentage of all assets increased in November to 4.41% from 3.02% the year before.
    29. Prosecutors claimed at the time of his conviction that Moody planned to send the pipe bomb to an Atlanta auto dealer who had repossessed his car.
    30. Their houses were repossessed by banks, S&Ls or the federal government.
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