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 replenish [ri'pleniʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 把...重新补足, 把...再装满

vi. 被再装满, 充满

    [ verb ]
    fill something that had previously been emptied
    <verb.change> fill again refill
    refill my glass, please

    Replenish \Re*plen"ish\ (r?-pl?n"?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Replenished} (-?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Replenishing}.] [OE.
    replenissen, OF. replenir; L. pref. re- re- + plenus full.
    See {Full}, {-ish}, and cf. {Replete}.]
    1. To fill again after having been diminished or emptied; to
    stock anew; hence, to fill completely; to cause to abound.

    Multiply and replenish the earth. --Gen. i. 28.

    The waters thus
    With fish replenished, and the air with fowl.

    2. To finish; to complete; to perfect. [Obs.]

    We smothered
    The most replenished sweet work of nature. --Shak.

    Replenish \Re*plen"ish\, v. i.
    To recover former fullness. [Obs.]

    The humors will not replenish so soon. --Bacon.

    1. The TOWs for Israel were to replenish that nation's supply for its prior transfer of TOWs to Iran.
    2. But its management is planning a rights issue of as many as #300 million ($176.6 million) later this year to replenish capital.
    3. A few bakeries opened today, but there was not enough bread for residents who ventured out to replenish food supplies.
    4. Speculation has been rife over whether big U.S. banks will replenish their loan-loss reserves in the third and fourth quarters, following the 20% write-off of their Argentine loans in the second quarter.
    5. A new stock issue would replenish Irving's common equity, which was drained during last year's fourth quarter by a $250 million addition to loan-loss reserves.
    6. It was recently out of service for two months for maintenance and to replenish its nuclear fuel.
    7. The 738-ton Komissorovo and the 448-ton Belinskoe called on Shiogama to replenish food and water supplies and were scheduled to depart Wednesday afternoon.
    8. Both the House and the Senate have passed banking bills that replenish the shrinking deposit insurance fund and tighten bank regulation to reduce the number and cost of future bank failures.
    9. Mr. Iglesias will no doubt cooperate with the U.S. in the short term as he seeks to replenish the bank's four-year disbursement fund from $10 billion to about $20 billion.
    10. Everything on sale has to be at least half the shop price or less. Next Saturday is a chance for the man-about-the-house to replenish his wardrobe.
    11. The funds were urgently required to replenish the group's equity capital, depleted after years of losses.
    12. "The plant does try to replenish the molecules," Mattoo said. "But if you have higher UV-B radiation the plant will not keep up with the molecules that are being destroyed.
    13. It also is seen as a means to help the country replenish its dwindling foreign-currency reserves.
    14. The storm, which had been expected to help replenish parched soil in that important wheat-growing region, instead slammed into the Midwest.
    15. Second, the market may expect them to replenish their loan-loss reserves for any hit they take."
    16. Singer Paula Abdul headlines the West Coast arm of simultaneous bi-coastal concerts to help replenish Red Cross coffers depleted by the Hurricane Hugo and San Francisco earthquake disasters.
    17. NASA plans to open Columbia's payload bay Friday to replenish the argon used to keep Astro's X-ray telescope cold.
    18. "We can move, engage the enemy and replenish our fuel if the enemy decides to use blister or nerve agents against us."
    19. A Soviet deputy prime minister said Friday she ordered 50 million pairs of pantyhose and 1.7 million pairs of women's shoes on a $165 million shopping spree to replenish her country's shelves.
    20. The purchases have been small _ a million metric tons of wheat from the United States and 500,000 metric tons of rice from Thailand _ and are solely to replenish buffer stocks.
    21. Still, it expects higher fourth-quarter shipments on strengthened orders as customers replenish inventories and increase production for light flat-rolled products.
    22. But, he added, "Change is an inevitable rule of life." The government plans to borrow $30 billion from the public next week in a series of debt auctions to replenish its coffers, the Treasury Department announced Wednesday.
    23. Natural gas customers continued to replenish supplies, but they did so in minimal volume because warm weather last winter allowed them to burn so little fuel.
    24. Moody's said it will focus on "whether Unocal can continue to reduce debt in the current moderately higher price environment, while still funding its core exploration and production operations at a sufficient level to replenish its reserve base."
    25. Nevertheless, the Fed imposed one important condition of approval by requiring Bank of New York to sell additional stock to replenish the $264 million cash portion of the takeover.
    26. Well-capitalised banks would pay 25 cents; the weakest a 31 cents premium. Advocates of the premium increase believe it is needed to replenish the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF), which the FDIC manages.
    27. Southern California Gas, a utility, said it will use proceeds to expand and improve its plants, retire debt and replenish funds previously spent for such purposes.
    28. The Greek government plans to divert the central Evinos river to replenish reservoirs around Athens, where the current supply would last only 98 days.
    29. I've got to replenish my creative energy because I'm out of it," he said in an interview this week.
    30. "Unless manufacturers see an increase in demand, they're unlikely to replenish their inventories at a speed that will enable this economy to grow at a strong pace." Automobiles seem to be the big-ticket item consumers have chosen to eschew.
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