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 remoter 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. In other words, the remoter planets are attracted by the sun with less force than those nearer to him.
  2. Vickers said the kidnap risks were higher for companies in remoter areas away from urban centers, such as resources firms.
  3. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

Remote \Re*mote"\ (r?-m?t"), a. [Compar. {Remoter} (-?r);
superl. {Remotest}.] [L. remotus, p. p. of removere to
remove. See {Remove}.]
1. Removed to a distance; not near; far away; distant; --
said in respect to time or to place; as, remote ages;
remote lands.

Places remote enough are in Bohemia. --Shak.

Remote from men, with God he passed his days.

2. Hence, removed; not agreeing, according, or being related;
-- in various figurative uses. Specifically:
(a) Not agreeing; alien; foreign. ``All these
propositions, how remote soever from reason.''
(b) Not nearly related; not close; as, a remote connection
or consanguinity.
(c) Separate; abstracted. ``Wherever the mind places
itself by any thought, either amongst, or remote from,
all bodies.'' --Locke.
(d) Not proximate or acting directly; primary; distant.
``From the effect to the remotest cause.''
(e) Not obvious or sriking; as, a remote resemblance.

3. (Bot.) Separated by intervals greater than usual.
-- {Re*mote"ly}, adv. -- {Re*mote"ness}, n.

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