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 relations 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 交往, 关系, 事务

    [ noun ]
    mutual dealings or connections or communications among persons or groups

    1. In 1983, 71 per cent of people engaged in small-scale economic activity voted conservative. Asked about the banks, almost a quarter of businesses polled said relations had worsened during 1991 while 19 per cent said they had improved.
    2. The emergence of a new fault-line in Anglo-German relations on Wednesday night pushed the pound down to DM2.4770 in Asian trading, with the currency bottoming out at DM2.4680 in Europe yesterday.
    3. Earlier last week, it was announced that Kuwait and Iran were restoring full diplomatic relations.
    4. The Soviet foreign minister met jointly with Communist Party officials and one of their harshest foes today and said later his country is determined to maintain good relations with both sides.
    5. British-Iranian relations have improved markedly in the past six weeks.
    6. Duquesne Light Co., shareholder relations department, Pittsburgh, Pa., is paying agent.
    7. Hau is among the Nationalist conservatives who still dream of returning to China to overthrow the Communists, and he may be expected to take a fairly hard-line stance on relations with Beijing.
    8. Although it failed, it had a long-term effect on the future relations of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, and in 1867, the Hungarians were given a series of unprecedented privileges.
    9. The committee is preparing a report on Anglo- Chinese relations. Lloyd Bentsen, the US treasury secretary, who is on a trip to Asia, arrives in Thailand.
    10. Mikhail Gorbachev's meeting with South Korea's president in San Francisco next week could eventually lead to diplomatic relations between the two nations and unification of Korea, a scholar says.
    11. Societe Generale's secretive and old-fashioned image has been fostered by its relations with the press.
    12. He maintained ties with West Germany, refused to break relations with Israel after the Six-Day War, refused to boycott the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, and declined to back Soviet interventions in Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan.
    13. Although the Nationalist Chinese government of Taiwan is the sworn enemy of the Communists in Beijing, relations have warmed in recent months with increased business and civilian ties.
    14. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India ended a visit to China today with the two nations expressing a common desire to improve ties after nearly three decades of strained relations.
    15. He has restored ties with Egypt and opened oil negotiations with the Americans for the possible return of U.S. oil companies to Libya, hinting he is also ready to improve relations.
    16. In the first place, Americans should make their experience in race relations more readily available to South Africa.
    17. Jordan's relations with its powerful northern neighbor are lukewarm, mainly because it opposes Syrian's military presence in Lebanon.
    18. South Korean President Roh Tae-woo left for San Francisco Sunday, saying that his talks with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev would open a new era in relations between the two once hostile nations.
    19. Washington, whose own normalization of relations with China was in part spurred by common concern over the Soviet military threat, has welcomed the Sino-Soviet rapprochement, saying it will ease tensions.
    20. Al-Sharra said, "We are looking forward to much better relations between Syria and the European Community.
    21. Peres, interviewed in New York, told Israel radio: "I've received an invitation and I think there is an opening for economic relations between Israel and the Soviet Union.
    22. India in the 1990s wants good relations with the west, especially the US, as never before.
    23. Friday's half-day investor presentation at the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre - organised by yet another well-connected public relations firm, Balfour Harley Associates - is a start.
    24. He had latterly been a director in the investor relations department.
    25. "Ferruzzi didn't do anything wrong," said Larry Friedman of Ferruzzi's outside public relations firm.
    26. Aeroflot's resumption of service to Indonesia in July is another sign of improving relations between the Soviet Union and Southeast Asia, which were sour throughout the 1980s.
    27. If Ortega wins and shows he is both committed to democratic values and to refraining from interfering in neighboring countries, the administration and the Congress agree that a new era in U.S.-Nicaraguan relations is possible.
    28. "You have the State Department trying to smooth relations with friendly nations, you have the Commerce Department trying to promote exports," said the source, who is closely involved with nuclear proliferation issues.
    29. Both sides expect Gorbachev's meetings with Deng Xiaoping will normalize their governmental and party relations, and help ease the remaining tensions along their 4,300-mile border.
    30. In Johannesburg, de Klerk predicted substantial changes in South Africa's relations with the rest of the world.
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