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 reefs 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Gulf Coast officials say erratic weather patterns and pollution have combined to devastate the local oyster reefs.
    2. The center urged that the Coast Guard control traffic within 15 miles of the Keys, where a series of vessel groundings late last year extensively damaged coral reefs.
    3. The peaks of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and the coral reefs of the gulf complete the panorama.
    4. Even the fish, eyes lidless and gills pumping rhythmically, sleep peacefully suspended in the gentle ebb and surge of underwater reefs. But there is one place where a bountiful collection of wildlife rarely sleeps at all.
    5. The platforms have created artificial reefs that rise from the sea floor into the open air.
    6. "I do not want to misplace our appreciation for the award, but the oil is a real threat to us," said DeeVon Quirolo, who has helped her husband Craig install 83 mooring buoys to keep boaters from damaging reefs with anchors.
    7. A Galveston Bay oysterman said the extent of the Houston Ship Channel spill may be broader than initially believed because patches of oil particles are passing over oyster reefs miles away from the spill.
    8. In 1992, the marine catch was about 80m tonnes, down from about 86m tonnes in 1989. Commercial fleets are driving some fish species close to biological extinction, destroying natural ecosystems such as coral reefs and seagrass beds.
    9. The move to put more distance between ships sailing between Florida and Cuba started last fall when three cargo ships ran aground on the 200-mile string of barrier reefs that stretch from south of Miami past Key West to the Dry Tortugas.
    10. The reefs provide a natural barrier from an often hostile sea.
    11. Egyptian tugboat crews and rescue teams on Thursday refloated a cargo ship that ran aground and ended the danger of polluting the Red Sea or fragile coral reefs with oil or phosphate spills, authorities said.
    12. Among other findings, the report found that charts used aboard the Spruance had not been properly updated and reefs were not highlighted as they should have been.
    13. It doesn't matter where they put the coral reefs." In their defense, producers argue that for every good book that becomes a movie flop there is a "Gone With the Wind" or "Godfather" or "Wizard of Oz" that's as good or better than the book.
    14. The organization aims to increase public awareness of the endangered reefs and the importance of not buying coral necklaces and shells.
    15. The agriculture minister, Sanusi Junid, told the New Sunday Times the government figures it needs 42 million tires to build the reefs.
    16. The offending coral reefs were removed.
    17. Once the tires are acquired, they will be tied together in groups and dropped into the sea to form reefs that should promote fish breeding.
    18. They could also be required to remove or treat contaminated underwater sediments, restock fish or install artificial reefs.
    19. In 1983, flood waters rushed through the Bonnet Carre Spillway and into the Mississippi Sound, destroying nearly 4,000 acres of oyster reefs.
    20. It took just 12 days for tendrils of the 10.1 million gallon crude oil spill in Prince William Sound to thread their way around reefs and rocks, through straits and narrows, to threaten the 669,501-acre national park.
    21. Actually, offshore oil rigs are among the most popular fishing sites in the gulf, acting as man-made reefs that collect microscopic sea life, in turn drawing fish.
    22. "The coral reefs will be a much safer place," Martinez told reporters.
    23. Branches of the Interior and Commerce departments would like some rigs left in place or used as building blocks for artificial reefs.
    24. Nearly 600 man-made reefs now dot the U.S. coastline, says Richard Stone, who watches over the two-year-old National Artificial Reef Plan for the National Marine Fisheries Service.
    25. These ships, once meant to guard lasting empires, now litter the ocean floor, and guard nothing more than reefs of coral.
    26. More than two-thirds of the world's coral reefs are in Asia.
    27. "It may be able to ride out the storm aground," Kennedy said. "These are fairly soft and sandy bars and reefs so maybe it won't be a problem." Houston Lighting & Power Co. at one point reported 30,000 customers without electricity.
    28. 'We want to become a French aircraft carrier,' he said yesterday, referring to his expansion plans. Investors will hope that he can steer clear of the reefs.
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