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 redefined 添加此单词到默认生词本
adj. 重新定义的

    1. And the media, it goes without saying, would be horrified at such an effort at "censorship," now redefined to include the absence of government funding.
    2. We have taken an organisation, a process, and completely redefined the way the service operates and the way it interacts with its customers.
    3. Leon Goossens, a pioneering oboist who redefined the instrument's potential and inspired composers to write music to showcase it, has died at age 90, his family said Saturday.
    4. 'Before privatisation, Chile redefined the whole concept of how you run public sector companies.
    5. Finding that their analytic tools don't fit with real-life social problems, they have redefined the problems to mesh with their analytic tools.
    6. The Communist Party, which is struggling to maintain a role in Poland, will open a congress Jan. 27 and is expected to vote to form a new party based on the social democratic model, with a new name and a redefined program.
    7. He said he had redefined Placer's growth strategy and ended the private fiefdoms within the group that caused managers to work at cross-purposes.
    8. But what is less well understood is the need for companies to replace naked insecurity among their workforce with a redefined set of relationships to motivate those employees whom they wish to retain.
    9. "Under this new environment, we've redefined the meaning of partnership."
    10. The only thing redefined on "Dream of Life" is Smith: She is now happily married and the mother of two young children.
    11. Tax cuts, followed by reductions in tax rates and preferences, redefined the GOP as the party of free enterprise, not big-business subsidy.
    12. The country's political geography is being redefined with a strong pull towards less central control and more recognition of regional initiative and identity.
    13. "Dream of Life" (Arista) _ Patti Smith "Dream of Life" ends a nine-year artistic hiatus for poet-singer Patti Smith, whose 1975 album "Horses" was one of the best debuts in rock history and redefined the role of women in pop music.
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