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 recuperate [rɪ'kjupə`ret]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 恢复, 使复原, 使恢复健康, 使恢复精神

vi. 复原, 恢复健康, 挽回损失

[医] 复原, 恢复


    Recuperate \Re*cu"per*ate\ (-?t), v. i. [imp. & p. p.
    {Recuperated} (-?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Recuperating}.] [L.
    recuperatus, p. p. of recuperare. See {Recover} to get
    To recover health; to regain strength; to convalesce.

    Recuperate \Re*cu"per*ate\, v. t.
    To recover; to regain; as, to recuperate the health or

    1. It also nullified other contracts where local authorities had come out on top, leaving the banks a loophole through which to recuperate at least part of their losses.
    2. It gives experimental chemotherapy and even blood transfusions on an in-and-out basis, releasing patients to recuperate at home in familiar surroundings.
    3. In a statement, Ritter said he had decided to take several weeks off to rest and recuperate from stress.
    4. After doing a miniseries it was a place for me to go and recuperate.
    5. Dying hearts sometimes can be "salvaged," as surgeons say, if quickly propped up by assist devices and given a chance to recuperate over a few days with a reduced workload.
    6. The aides said that the tree has been taken to a "secure location" and that Spokane officials hope it will recuperate over the winter.
    7. Conflicting stories emerged Wednesday about El Sayyid Nosair as the alleged assassin of radical Rabbi Meir Kahane began to recuperate from a bullet in the neck.
    8. One newspaper said Botha, 73, will need at least a month to recuperate from the stroke he suffered Wednesday.
    9. Earlier this week, Ms. Sam said the 58-year-old actress was improving and would be released from the hospital this week to recuperate at home.
    10. 'The problem with a skiing holiday is that whereas in the summer someone with a twisted ankle may be able to lie in the sun and recuperate, an injury of this kind to a skier will mean the holiday has to be cancelled.
    11. Botha is expected to recuperate at his official residence outside Cape Town from the effects of the stroke he suffered Wednesday.
    12. Anyone who spends time in jail, he said, probably needs the same length of time in which to recuperate.
    13. Anderson was sent home to California May 19 to recuperate from exhaustion.
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