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 receptacle [rɪ'sɛptəkl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 容器, 花托, 插座

[医] 容器, [接]受器, 花托

    [ noun ]
    1. a container that is used to put or keep things in

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. enlarged tip of a stem that bears the floral parts

    4. <noun.plant>
    5. an electrical (or electronic) fitting that is connected to a source of power and equipped to receive an insert

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Receptacle \Re*cep"ta*cle\ (r[-e]*s[e^]p"t[.a]*k'l), n. [F.
    r['e]ceptacle, L. receptaculum, fr. receptare, v. intens. fr.
    recipere to receive. See {Receive}.]
    1. That which serves, or is used, for receiving and
    containing something, as for examople, a {basket}, a
    {vase}, a {bag}, a {reservoir}; a {repository}.

    O sacred receptacle of my joys! --Shak.

    2. (Bot.)
    (a) The apex of the flower stalk, from which the organs of
    the flower grow, or into which they are inserted. See
    Illust. of {Flower}, and {Ovary}.
    (b) The dilated apex of a pedicel which serves as a common
    support to a head of flowers.
    (c) An intercellular cavity containing oil or resin or
    other matters.
    (d) A special branch which bears the fructification in
    many cryptogamous plants.

    1. Marc Quinn has reprised the perspex cast of his head, which became infamous when filled with his blood, to make a refrigerated receptacle for a hibernating frog.
    2. The explosive was not encased in a receptacle, which led him to conclude Parker was in the process of putting it together when it exploded in his lap, Garcia said.
    3. At the Long Beach facility, a worker is said to have slashed a new receptacle for hydraulic fluids.
    4. The mail receptacle was attached to a horizontal bar about three feet above the ground.
    5. A revolution in carrier bags which involves cutting four holes in the plastic receptacle may sound unlikely.
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