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 rebirth [ri'bɚθ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 再生, 复活, 新生

    [ noun ]
    1. after death the soul begins a new cycle of existence in another human body

    2. <noun.phenomenon>
    3. a second or new birth

    4. <noun.event>
    5. the revival of learning and culture

    6. <noun.act>
    7. a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life

    8. <noun.act>

    1. But a brace of albums earlier this year kickstarted a world tour, complete with new band and a rebirth of the Springsteen fervour.
    2. Legality, economic progress, spiritual rebirth - these are the main goals of our politics." "Citizens of our multi-ethnic society!
    3. The shuttle Discovery made its long-delayed trip to the launch pad Monday, a milestone in the rebirth of America's space program that was hailed by workers who streamed by the pad in an 18-mile-long line of cars.
    4. Polka fans, who have been waiting for a national hit almost as long as Cub fans for a World Series, are now looking for a polka rebirth.
    5. "The FDC," it says, "is intimately concerned with the democratization process of Taiwan, and sees it as a profound influence for the cause of democracy in China and the rebirth of the Chinese nation."
    6. She ran as a Socialist candidate for the National Assembly in 1962 and 1967 and participated in the party's rebirth under Francois Mitterrand, serving on the party steering committee from 1971 to 1981.
    7. More than 100 people have been confirmed dead in this industrial center, which is still stunned by the sudden, storm-whipped rebirth Saturday of the Santa Catarina River.
    8. "What young people are asking for is a rebirth of the type underway in the Soviet Union, that involves even the party for the first thing," Dubcek said in the interview.
    9. The party needed 'a rebirth', Mr Roh said. The DLP lost control of the 299-member National Assembly by one seat, with 149 representatives elected.
    10. "What young people are asking for is a rebirth of the type under way in the Soviet Union, that involves even the party," Dubcek said.
    11. New President Patricio Aylwin pledged respect for human rights Monday in a speech to a huge gathering celebrating the rebirth of democracy in Chile, but indicated he will avoid holding trials for past abuses.
    12. Otherwise, they will lose the opportunities for economic specialization and expanded investment created by the rebirth of a truly global market economy for the first time since 1914.
    13. Allen Ginsberg is dreaming of the spiritual rebirth of America.
    14. The American Prospect, a quarterly journal launched March 11 by a group of writers and academics, "marks the rebirth of no-apologies liberalism," its founders say.
    15. Yellowstone defenders stress that the park is intended to be a natural environment, with death and fire as natural as regrowth and rebirth.
    16. The American Prospect, scheduled to debut Sunday and be published quarterly, "marks the rebirth of no-apologies liberalism," according to a release.
    17. But secondly, this would be a very important thing for Bridgeport, to have this meaningful project come out of the ashes." Before the accident, the building was hailed as a symbol of rebirth for the old industrial city.
    18. For forests, fires bring rebirth and renewal.
    19. This is the season of rebirth _ and he's on his way to a new life.
    20. To the extent the legislators are wise enough to wipe out all of communism's barriers to enterprise and innovation, conditions will be created for economic rebirth.
    21. Richard Band of Personal Finance newsletter said this great good fortune is certain to result from a world-wide collapse of communism, a rebirth of fiscal responsibility, deregulation and shrinkage of the state.
    22. Gov. Edward D. DiPrete announced Wednesday he plans to run for a fourth term by claiming credit for the rebirth of downtown Providence.
    23. Officials fear the creek's pollution and stench also could scare off foreigners willing to invest in the rebirth of Shanghai as a leading center of industry and commerce.
    24. The Jewish New Year is also a happy time of rebirth and optimism, a time to look to the future with high hopes and high expectation.
    25. These were years of economic rebirth and relative domestic peace.
    26. They say determined management and a $12 billion capital improvement program have resulted in a major success story of the 1980s _ the rebirth of the New York subway system as a relatively reliable, clean and safe mode of transportation.
    27. Millions of Hindus invoking their ancient faith's countless gods and goddesses converged Sunday at the confluence of three rivers whose waters are thought to hold the power to wash away sins and end the cycle of birth and rebirth.
    28. With the shuttle fleet grounded for nearly three years and expensive satellites sitting in warehouses with no place to go, the expendable launch vehicle industry had a slow rebirth.
    29. Even high-tech stocks, which have been "a very, very stagnant area," are seeing a "slight rebirth" in the new issue market, says Alexander Schwartz of Prudential-Bache Securities Inc.
    30. It is really rebirth and renewal.
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