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 readmit [`riəd'mɪt添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 重新接纳

    [ verb ]
    1. admit anew

    2. <verb.social>
      The refugee was readmitted into his home country
    3. admit again or anew

    4. <verb.social>
      After paying a penalty, the player was readmitted

    Readmit \Re`ad*mit"\ (-m[i^]t"), v. t.
    To admit again; to give entrance or access to again.

    Whose ear is ever open, and his eye
    Gracious to readmit the suppliant. --Milton.

    1. Rwanda has been reluctant to readmit its refugees because of a lack of space.
    2. Western diplomats in Damascus said the move was prompted largely by Assad's desire to escape from increasing isolation in the region following the Arab summit decision to readmit Egypt to the Arab League.
    3. The World Psychiatric Association voted at an Athens parley to conditionally readmit the Soviet Union.
    4. Roderick McDowall, a Canadian attorney representing the family, said he expects some new efforts to readmit the family will begin next week.
    5. The appellate court's action means that, at least until trial, the Boy Scouts won't be forced to readmit nine-year-old twins who wouldn't pledge to do their "duty to God," as required by the Cub Scout oath.
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