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 ragtime ['ræg`taɪm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 雷格泰姆旋律, 散拍乐

a. 滑稽的

    [ noun ]
    music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)

    Ragtime \Rag"time`\, n. (Mus.)
    a rhythm with a regular accompaniment in two-four time and a
    melody characterized by syncopation, first recognized in many
    negro melodies; also a style of American music in this
    [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

    1. Opening night began with an avant-garde concert by Roy Campbell, William Parker Duo and Jazz Passengers at Equitable Center and by ragtime pianist Terry Waldo at Weill Recital Hall.
    2. Other entertainment included the colorful re-enactment of a slave wedding and ragtime and jazz music.
    3. By 1978, while Hasse was writing a doctoral dissertation on ragtime music at Indiana University, deVincent's collection had filled his two-car garage and spilled into nearly every room of his home.
    4. When the mandolinists had multiplied to a full orchestra, having played works ranging from classical to ragtime, they got a conductor _ Van Kleeck, a French horn player who studied at the New England Conservatory of Music.
    5. Earlier in the evening, ragtime specialist Terry Waldo will play piano at Weill Recital Hall and the Roy Campbell and William Parker Duo and Jazz Passengers will play at Equitable Auditorium.
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