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 raft bridge 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Raft \Raft\, n. [Originally, a rafter, spar, and fr. Icel. raptr
    a rafter; akin to Dan. raft, Prov. G. raff a rafter, spar;
    cf. OHG. r[=a]fo, r[=a]vo, a beam, rafter, Icel. r[=a]f roof.
    Cf. {Rafter}, n.]
    1. A collection of logs, boards, pieces of timber, or the
    like, fastened together, either for their own collective
    conveyance on the water, or to serve as a support in
    conveying other things; a float.

    2. A collection of logs, fallen trees, etc. (such as is
    formed in some Western rivers of the United States), which
    obstructs navigation. [U.S.]

    3. [Perhaps akin to raff a heap.] A large collection of
    people or things taken indiscriminately. [Slang, U. S.]
    ``A whole raft of folks.'' --W. D. Howells.

    {Raft bridge}.
    (a) A bridge whose points of support are rafts.
    (b) A bridge that consists of floating timbers fastened

    {Raft duck}. [The name alludes to its swimming in dense
    flocks.] (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) The bluebill, or greater scaup duck; -- called also
    {flock duck}. See {Scaup}.
    (b) The redhead.

    {Raft port} (Naut.), a large, square port in a vessel's side
    for loading or unloading timber or other bulky articles; a
    timber or lumber port.

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