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 quinsy ['kwɪnzɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 扁桃腺炎

[医] 扁桃体周脓肿

    [ noun ]
    a painful pus filled inflammation of the tonsils and surrounding tissues; usually a complication of tonsillitis

    Quinsy \Quin"sy\, n. [Contr. fr. squinancy, F. esquinancie, L.
    cynanche a sort of sore throat, Gr. ? sore throat, dog
    quinsy, fr. ? dog + ? to choke; cf. also L. synanche sore
    throat, Gr. ?. Cf. {Hound}, {Anger}, and {Cynanche}.] (Med.)
    An inflammation of the throat, or parts adjacent, especially
    of the fauces or tonsils, attended by considerable swelling,
    painful and impeded deglutition, and accompanied by
    inflammatory fever. It sometimes creates danger of
    suffocation; -- called also {squinancy}, and {squinzey}.

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