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 quietus [kwaɪ'itəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 解脱, 生命的终止, 偿清

[法] 偿清, 解除, 清除

    [ noun ]
    euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)
    she was laid to rest beside her husbandthey had to put their family pet to sleep

    Quietus \Qui*e"tus\, n. [LL. quietus quit, discharged, L., at
    rest, quiet, dead. See {Quiet}, a., and cf. {Quit}, a.]
    Final discharge or acquittance, as from debt or obligation;
    that which silences claims; (Fig.) rest; death.

    When he himself might his quietus make
    With a bare bodkin. --Shak.

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