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 questionable ['kwɛstʃənəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 可疑的

[法] 可疑的, 有问题的, 不可靠的

    [ adj ]
    1. subject to question

    2. <adj.all>
      questionable motives
      a questionable reputation
      a fire of questionable origin
    3. able to be refuted

    4. <adj.all>

    Questionable \Ques"tion*a*ble\, a.
    1. Admitting of being questioned; inviting, or seeming to
    invite, inquiry. [R.]

    Thou com'st in such a questionable shape
    That I will speak to thee. -- Shak.

    2. Liable to question; subject to be doubted or called in
    question; problematical; doubtful; suspicious.

    It is questionable whether Galen ever saw the
    dissection of a human body.T. -- Baker.

    Syn: Disputable; debatable; uncertain; doubtful;
    problematical; suspicious.

    1. Even though Congress has approved the Great Plains sale, the plant's high operating costs make its market value questionable in the face of depressed oil and gas prices.
    2. The move, after hearings on some Drexel operations, is the first time the firm has acknowledged some of its practices may be questionable.
    3. What is the point of employing questionable practices for the sake of producing a program that is mediocre, but "unique?"
    4. District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said there were some "questionable financial transactions" discovered in the review of expenditures in behalf of Kevin Kite, a former male prostitute who claimed he had sex with Ritter in return for material favors.
    5. Thus, it is questionable whether CD4 treatment would prove effective in a non-lab setting, where patients might be exposed to any one of a number of strains.
    6. One analyst, who asked not to be named for fear of offending IBM, said, "There are some questionable aspects" in the way IBM did its tests.
    7. The failed test came only weeks before a regulation requiring the additive was to have been announced, although the airlines had argued the additive's value was questionable and there were indications it could interfere with engine performance.
    8. According to SEC filings, Mr. Rakoff presented Margolis with documents in March concerning "five questionable transactions involving approximately $550,000 of sales" to two companies, which also were suppliers of New York City Shoes.
    9. Officials from the various banks involved are expected to meet during the next few days to consider other arrangements with local authorities that could be questionable.
    10. Deleting the questionable expenditures from the budget pending satisfactory test results would save up to $20 billion, Dingell said.
    11. It is questionable how many customers Bag and Safe represent.
    12. Network news will enter the questionable world of "re-creations" this coming season on CBS and NBC.
    13. But I don't think that of itself would put pressure on the equity market.' Another strategist simply explains: 'Those rights issues that could have been questionable anyway have already been done.
    14. If it is rejected, then his single most important initiative will have been seen to be a failure. However, whether rejection would go so far as to lead to an economic collapse and nationalist backlash is questionable.
    15. The fine is related to a continuing investigation by the Chicago Merc and the Chicago Board of Trade into what the exchanges consider a pattern of questionable trades by several small Japanese brokerages, an official familiar with the investigation said.
    16. Since then, Guinness's board has fired its dominating chairman and chief executive, Ernest Saunders, demanded the resignations of two directors, and disclosed a series of questionable share deals and investments in both the U.S. and Europe.
    17. The Nehru jacket is also a popular innovation and is an ideal way of wearing a shirt with no bow tie. Hiring evening dress is questionable, perhaps the only exception being white tie, which is still required kit at the grandest official functions.
    18. This is more questionable and often based on unfair comparisons.
    19. But Morgenthau said some "questionable financial transactions" had been made in connection with expenditures for Kevin Kite, a former male prostitute who alleged that Ritter had sex with him.
    20. GPA's financial strength was questionable.
    21. "Many of those taxonomies were erected back the last century or early in this century on sometimes very questionable, very limited data bases," he said.
    22. This professional secrecy for Swiss lawyers and accountants has been regarded as the weakness in recent barriers erected by Switzerland to restrict the depositing of questionable funds in Swiss banks.
    23. In a 50-page opinion, the judge called several internal transactions at Texas Air "questionable," "shocking" or "suspect."
    24. Roofing contractors bought labor peace with "initiation fees" and other questionable payments to the union.
    25. But he added: 'It is questionable whether it is appropriate for public-spirited financial institutions to set up lotteries in an attempt to gain deposits.' Johnan was unrepentant yesterday.
    26. No doubt there are some dark examples of entrepreneurship in Alaska, but Mr. Michener's simplistic view of human society and his questionable use of history makes this aspect of "Alaska," like so many other elements of the book, unworthy.
    27. The administration is still walking on banana-skins. What is questionable is the degree of lasting, solid support for Labour.
    28. Some say corruption within the military and police makes their cooperation questionable. Moreover, some fear power struggles between the government and the organization that will oversee the plan.
    29. First Chicago suspected questionable practices by a bank executive more than two years before he was fired and convicted of taking kickbacks, an internal report suggests.
    30. But some market participants worry that funds could decide to dump any questionable bonds.
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