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 quartet [kwɒ:'tet]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 四重奏

[计] 四位字节

[化] 四重线; 四核子; 四核子基; 四重峰

    [ noun ]
    1. the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one

    2. <noun.quantity>
    3. four performers or singers who perform together

    4. <noun.group>
    5. a set of four similar things considered as a unit

    6. <noun.group>
    7. four people considered as a unit

    8. <noun.group>
      he joined a barbershop quartet
      the foursome teed off before 9 a.m.
    9. a musical composition for four performers

    10. <noun.communication>

    Quartet \Quar*tet"\, Quartette \Quar*tette"\, n. [It. quartetto,
    dim. of quarto the fourth, a fourth part, fr. L. quartus the
    fourth. See {Quart}.]
    1. (Mus.)
    (a) A composition in four parts, each performed by a
    single voice or instrument.
    (b) The set of four person who perform a piece of music in
    four parts.

    2. (Poet.) A stanza of four lines.

    1. The other three members of the group ousted him from the quartet in March 1987, citing friction among band members.
    2. So Bruford is now leading an electronic, improvisational British jazz quartet called Earthworks.
    3. Bruno Caproni and Clive Bayley completed the Bohemian quartet ably enough, without erasing memories of their predecessors.
    4. Before the recent quartet of slayings, the last prior homicide in the village of 5,700 was in the 1880s, when two paper mill workers fought in a bar, Saharceski said.
    5. We try to be stable and make it quality." The tightly knit quartet, taking their name from a brand of tissues, were discovered by country star Johnny Cash in the mid-1960s.
    6. As part of its ticket privileges, the Rochester, N.Y.-based quartet received hotel accommodations before continuing Tuesday to Turin, Italy.
    7. Above all, this refers to Donald Maxwell's Falstaff, who glories in his girth with animal spirits even more untamed than five years ago; but it also concerns the sheer 'go' of WNO's female quartet.
    8. Sen. Paul Simon today put his presidential campaign on hold, reducing the Democratic quartet to a trio.
    9. This time he's the voice of the lead singer in the Post Raisin Bran TV commercials, which feature a quartet of singing, animated clay raisins.
    10. In Ti Moune's quest for love, she is helped _ and occasionally hindered _ by a quartet of rambunctious and rowdy gods, deities of water, earth, love and death.
    11. The doctor especially loved the string quartet "Death and the Maiden," which gives the play its title, and so does Roberto, but this is not conclusive evidence.
    12. Guy Henry, as knight number 2, is the best of a very good quartet. Whether the earlier sacrifice of the verse was worth making for the sake of getting down to the politics later is more questionable.
    13. The event was a bit cheerier this year, with the addition of a barbershop quartet and a band called "The Back Door" _ a reference to the Chinese practice of using personal relationships to get special favors.
    14. Steel drummers and a string quartet provide accompaniment for this and some bellydancing.
    15. The quartet came to the stand late and, judging from the pent up energy released in the first number, had used that extra time in the dressing room getting psychologically pumped up.
    16. Corinthian "Kripp" Johnson, the founder of the 1950s doo-wop quartet the Del-Vikings, has died of cancer. He was 57.
    17. Coaching with the Tokyos has helped the quartet "expand our range and convey our ideas better," says cellist Margery Hwang.
    18. Its purpose is to assemble a brightly talented collection of rising quartet groups, mostly (but not all) French, and and to dot into the schedule a handful of British premieres by French composers.
    19. In the late 1950s, Cherry was part of the Coleman quartet whose engagement at New York's Five Spot Cafe attracted worldwide attention.
    20. Born as Chesney H. Baker in Yale, Okla., in December 1929, Baker's career got into full swing when he joined British saxophonist Mulligan and his quartet.
    21. He left school at 16, played with a baroque-music quartet, taught the recorder and was a radio actor.
    22. The wonderful Mozart G minor quartet was recorded a year earlier. Schnabel and the Pro Arte members give a clean, square-cut rendition.
    23. The quartet will tape a cable TV special Nov. 16 on a riverboat on the Cumberland River, spokeswoman Laura Caron said Friday.
    24. This included a rare performance of Faure's song-cycle La Bonne Chanson in the arrangement which the composer made for string quartet and piano, only to regret the idea fairly soon afterwards.
    25. But Wein expects Getz, instead of starting with early colleagues, to play in the first half with his usual quartet and augment it with a few veterans in the second half.
    26. The Seattle-based quartet sets out to redefine the early psychedelic sound that blossomed in the mid- to late-'60s and succeeds with thrilling harmonies and jangly guitars.
    27. The last bird, the largest of the quartet, moved slowly, strutting his finest pose as he walked.
    28. Some 8,000 voices will try to create a global four-part harmony Friday to sing the praises of a barbershop quartet convention.
    29. Four U.S. string quartets will try to outplay 18 other ensembles in this south England port city's fourth international string quartet competition beginning Wednesday.
    30. In the romantic drama of the 'Adagio affetuoso ed appassionata' of the F major quartet, for example, while the lower strings grew properly forceful and doomy his own song - which should carry warmly over it all - remained gentle and wan.
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