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 pugnacious [pʌg'neʃəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 好斗的

    [ adj ]
    1. tough and callous by virtue of experience

    2. <adj.all>
    3. ready and able to resort to force or violence

    4. <adj.all>
      pugnacious spirits...lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance
      they were rough and determined fighting men

    Pugnacious \Pug*na"cious\, a. [L. pugnax, -acis, fr. pugnare to
    fight. Cf. {Pugilism}, {Fist}.]
    Disposed to fight; inclined to fighting; quarrelsome;
    fighting. --{Pug*na"cious*ly}, adv. -- {Pug*na"cious*ness},

    1. He is a pugnacious performer in the Commons. But his weaknesses are as obvious as his strengths.
    2. With his pugnacious ebullience, Gen. Schwarzkopf made us feel wonderful; he was a super-Rocky, a nose tackle with a great love of the game.
    3. Tharp, herself a virtuoso with a pugnacious and Cagney-ish air to her most daring feats, loves bravura.
    4. Actor Sean Penn and singer Madonna have separated and are planning to end their turbulent, three-year marriage, a spokesman for the pugnacious actor said Thursday.
    5. Having mounted a pugnacious campaign against a government he largely created, Lech Walesa is presenting himself as a man vindicated by events and predicts victory in Sunday's presidential elections.
    6. Who was going to tutor Britain's pugnacious education supremo on Mexican lessons for Britain's school kids?
    7. Whoever defined an enemy as a soldier in the wrong place? Toughening my tactics, I am beginning this season of re-arrangement in a pugnacious way.
    8. In advance of the hearing, Biden said in a television interview today that Bennett's pugnacious reputation as education secretary in the Reagan administration will serve him well in his new job.
    9. Inside Goldman Sachs, says one employee, the firm's pugnacious attitude is: "We're going to bring Giuliani down.
    10. But his pugnacious rhetoric has energized the conservative movement, which has been deeply dispirited by the Iranian disclosures.
    11. If Ernest Hemingway _ that aficionado of big guns, feisty bulls, lusty reds and really short sentences _ were alive today, the pugnacious Papa would be spoiling for a fight.
    12. Her pugnacious speeches and charismatic style caught the public's fancy.
    13. One of a sequence of 'very Indian poems in Indian English' entitled 'Soap' dramatised an argument between a customer who had bought a defective bar of soap and a bristly, pugnacious shopkeeper.
    14. Northern League Leader: Umberto Bossi Populist movement in northern Italy that gathered round Bossi's charisma and pugnacious oratory.
    15. "It's going to be a battle royal for the presidency of the United States," Dukakis said, announcing that his pugnacious former campaign manager was returning as vice chairman of his campaign.
    16. Billy Martin, the pugnacious five-time manager of the New York Yankees baseball team who was repeatedly fired after bouts of drinking and brawling, was killed Monday in an alcohol-related traffic accident, authorities said.
    17. In September 1930 he became a Catholic, having decided that the only way for him to combat the savagery and disarray in both 20th-century life and in his own pugnacious personality was by trying to live according to the absolute standards of the church.
    18. A church proposal to scrap the pugnacious second verse of "God Save the Queen" and replace it with rhymes about brotherly love has drawn some crusty responses.
    19. Gandhi's travels before the camera come as a fractious and pugnacious opposition is trying to rally under the green flag of the Janata Dal (People's Party).
    20. Peccary _ A red-eared distant relation of the wild hog, cute but pugnacious.
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