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 public act 添加此单词到默认生词本
有关国家, 社会, 公众等的法案

    Public \Pub"lic\, a. [L. publicus, poblicus, fr. populus people:
    cf. F. public. See {People}.]
    1. Of or pertaining to the people; belonging to the people;
    relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community;
    -- opposed to {private}; as, the public treasury.

    To the public good
    Private respects must yield. --Milton.

    He [Alexander Hamilton] touched the dead corpse of
    the public credit, and it sprung upon its feet. --D.

    2. Open to the knowledge or view of all; general; common;
    notorious; as, public report; public scandal.

    Joseph, . . . not willing to make her a public
    example, was minded to put her away privily. --Matt.
    i. 19.

    3. Open to common or general use; as, a public road; a public
    house. ``The public street.'' --Shak.

    {public act} or {public statute} (Law), an act or statute
    affecting matters of public concern. Of such statutes the
    courts take judicial notice.

    {Public credit}. See under {Credit}.

    {Public funds}. See {Fund}, 3.

    {Public house}, an inn, or house of entertainment.

    {Public law}.
    (a) See {International law}, under {International}.
    (b) A public act or statute.

    {Public nuisance}. (Law) See under {Nuisance}.

    {Public orator}. (Eng. Universities) See {Orator}, 3.

    {Public stores}, military and naval stores, equipments, etc.

    {Public works}, all fixed works built by civil engineers for
    public use, as railways, docks, canals, etc.; but
    strictly, military and civil engineering works constructed
    at the public cost.

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