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 prognostic [prɒg'nɒstik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 预兆的, 预后的

n. 先兆, 预测

[医] 预后的, 预后性征状

    [ noun ]
    1. a sign of something about to happen

    2. <noun.event>
      he looked for an omen before going into battle
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions

    2. <adj.all>

    Prognostic \Prog*nos"tic\, a. [Gr. ?. See {Prognosis}.]
    Indicating something future by signs or symptoms;
    foreshowing; aiding in prognosis; as, the prognostic symptoms
    of a disease; prognostic signs.

    Prognostic \Prog*nos"tic\, n. [L. prognosticum, Gr. ?: cf. F.
    pronostic, prognostic. See {Prognostic}, a.]
    1. That which prognosticates; a sign by which a future event
    may be known or foretold; an indication; a sign or omen;
    hence, a foretelling; a prediction.

    That choice would inevitably be considered by the
    as a prognostic of the highest import. --Macaulay.

    2. (Med.) A sign or symptom indicating the course and
    termination of a disease. --Parr.

    Syn: Sign; omen; presage; token; indication.

    Prognostic \Prog*nos"tic\, v. t.
    To prognosticate. [Obs.]

    1. There currently is no such prognostic indicator for ovarian cancer, he said.
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