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 prevail [pri'veil]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 获胜, 流行, 盛行

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    Prevail \Pre*vail"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Prevailed}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Prevailing}.] [F. pr['e]valoir, OF. prevaleir, L.
    praevalere; prae before + valere to be strong, able, or
    worth. See {Valiant}.]
    1. To overcome; to gain the victory or superiority; to gain
    the advantage; to have the upper hand, or the mastery; to
    succeed; -- sometimes with over or against.

    When Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and
    when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. --Ex.
    xvii. 11.

    So David prevailed over the Philistine. --1 Sam.
    xvii. 50.

    This kingdom could never prevail against the united
    power of England. --Swift.

    2. To be in force; to have effect, power, or influence; to be
    predominant; to have currency or prevalence; to obtain;
    as, the practice prevails this day.

    This custom makes the short-sighted bigots, and the
    warier skeptics, as far as it prevails. --Locke.

    3. To persuade or induce; -- with on, upon, or with; as, I
    prevailedon him to wait.

    He was prevailed with to restrain the Earl.

    Prevail upon some judicious friend to be your
    constant hearer, and allow him the utmost freedom.

    1. "But dollar-selling sentiment continued to prevail in the market as participants waited cautiously for the release of U.S. trade figure," Yamazaki said.
    2. Just imagine the chaos that would prevail today if we had to operate under the common law of master and servant to resolve issues in employee-injury cases.
    3. Rich Salem, a spokesman for Ortho, said the company is confident it will prevail in court.
    4. Those who have read the document say it lacks substance. The government has restored law and order, but continuing assassinations of security and judiciary personnel suggests that calm may not prevail.
    5. If both are approved, the one with the most votes will prevail, according to a California Supreme Court ruling last week on a similar matter.
    6. Should Hindi prevail, he proposes that the shoot be canceled and Tobash's $10,000 be forfeited to the park.
    7. And, if not, which voice will prevail? WASTE Management Inter-national yesterday raised Pounds 438m from the international offer and placing of 20 per cent of its shares, valuing the group at just over Pounds 2.2bn.
    8. Through the league, the thrift industry generally presents a united front on major regulatory and legislative issues and its positions frequently prevail.
    9. If we leave the situation as it is now, factionalism and power politics will continue to prevail." Uno asked party members on Friday to refrain from factionalism in the presidential race.
    10. A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Norton to hold its annual meeting April 26 as scheduled; the company, which is appealing the decision, has already conceded that it was unlikely to prevail in its proxy fight with BTR if the meeting isn't delayed.
    11. Only 11% believed the Sandinistas would prevail.
    12. No question about it," Hoge said in an interview. "We will prevail.
    13. If you can't agree with policies, then principles must prevail."
    14. A nervous tone continued to prevail in foreign exchange markets as traders awaited developments in the Persian Gulf.
    15. He thundered, "Love and love must prevail over lies and hatred."
    16. Bill Pickell said it's "just another ploy by the preservationist to put a stop to the industry." Pickell said he believes the industry will prevail because the spotted owl is not in danger of extinction.
    17. "There was a time, 45 years or more ago, when this community recoiled from news of death at sea nearly every day," Baliles told the crowd of civilians and military. "The sailors of the United States Navy gave their lives to prevail in war.
    18. Sen. Mitchell's position isn't likely to prevail, however, as the issue is expected to be decided in the next few weeks.
    19. Many German politicians want to rid West Germany of all nuclear weapons, but Mrs. Thatcher said she is "absolutely certain" that Chancellor Helmut Kohl doesn't share that view and will prevail.
    20. "If the risk is downplayed, then the it-can't-happen-to-me attitude will tend to prevail," said Hacib Aoun, a Baltimore physician who contracted AIDS after he cut his finger on a tube filled with infected blood in 1983.
    21. Advocates of the cut saw this statement as an indication that he feared their proposal would prevail with strong Democratic support if the issue came to a vote in the House.
    22. Still pending is a dispute before the U.S. Patent Office in which Kimberly-Clark is asking for a determination that its patent should prevail over the one issued to P&G and that it has exclusive patent rights to the flaps.
    23. In some cases, party loyalty may prevail.
    24. The House voted 308-113 to override the veto, but Senate Democratic leaders have predicted the president will prevail in that chamber.
    25. What is probably required in Germany is a temporary above-target rate of monetary growth, which should then be steered back to a lower rate before a British-type credit boom can prevail.
    26. Unlike others, Jencks saw widespread army support for the student protesters, but he predicted the desire for unity would prevail.
    27. In a preliminary ruling the Customs Service has said no. At stake is a 25% tariff on each vehicle unless the two auto makers prevail.
    28. "The conditions for the (ANC's) armed struggle still prevail," he added.
    29. AT&T spokesman Herb Linnen said the company was confident it would prevail.
    30. As we've said in the past, HP New Wave doesn't violate Apple copyrights and we believe our view will prevail when the case is decided." An Apple spokesman, however, said Microsoft "misread the documents.
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