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 preserved   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 喝醉的

[计] 保留的

    [ adj ]
    1. prevented from decaying or spoiling and prepared for future use

    2. <adj.all>
    3. kept intact or in a particular condition

    4. <adj.all>

    Preserve \Pre*serve"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Preserved}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Preserving}.] [F. pr['e]server, from L. prae before +
    servare to save, preserve; cf. L. praeservare to observe
    beforehand. See {Serve}.]
    1. To keep or save from injury or destruction; to guard or
    defend from evil, harm, danger, etc.; to protect.

    O Lord, thou preserved man and beast. --Ps. xxxvi.

    Now, good angels preserve the king. --Shak.

    2. To save from decay by the use of some preservative
    substance, as sugar, salt, etc.; to season and prepare for
    remaining in a good state, as fruits, meat, etc.; as, to
    preserve peaches or grapes.

    You can not preserve it from tainting. --Shak.

    3. To maintain throughout; to keep intact; as, to preserve
    appearances; to preserve silence.

    {To preserve game}, to protect it from extermination.

    Syn: To keep; save; secure; uphold; sustain; defend; spare;
    protect; guard; shield. See {Keep}.

    1. And in case you may have missed it the first 38 times, the Pickle Packers International association is out once again to convince the world of the preserved cucumber's value in everything from elementary education to international policy making.
    2. They don't deserve secret wars cooked up by armchair Rambos; they deserve to see our Constitution preserved, protected and defended."
    3. Hrawi said Lebanon's interest would "best be preserved by implementing the Taif accord," which mainly redistributes power equally between Christians and Moslems.
    4. It's a shame, because Belfast has some of the most impeccably preserved Victorian-era drinking establishments in the British Isles.
    5. Their artistic tradition has been largely preserved, and they are culturally alert and relatively enterprising. Haida activists have been negotiating aggressively with the Canadian government for administrative rights over the entire southern chain.
    6. Shamir, who heads the right-wing Likud Party, immediately turned that into a rallying cry for an end to Labor-backed policies that traditionally have preserved jobs regardless of the cost.
    7. The burly Worcester Democrat doggedly preserved $1 million to begin a loan-forgiveness program for newly graduated nurses willing to serve in public or rural hospitals.
    8. "You would probably end up with little bits and pieces preserved in an inadequate manner," he said.
    9. "If the world is unwilling to pay for the benefits it derives from the Amazon forest, then the amount that is ultimately preserved will be less than is optimal from a global perspective," the report said.
    10. Arce Gomez, his hands clasped behind his back, spoke up at the end of his hearing to request that the records from a 1983 extradition hearing in Argentina be preserved for his defense.
    11. It is also the latest chapter in the continuing controversy over the nation's officially preserved natural heritage.
    12. In describing his intentions, explaining their rationale and acknowledging that the project was a mistake and personal failure, Mr. Reagan has preserved his compact with the electorate.
    13. The gene was found in all other animals tested, including a primitive worm, indicating that its function is so important that nature has preserved it throughout three billion years of evolution.
    14. Modern Shanghai has become a museum, not because it has been preserved but because it has been neglected.
    15. Librarian of Congress George Waterston, who wrote that he single-handedly labeled and shelved the books when they arrived in Washington, preserved Jefferson's main divisions but arranged the books within each division alphabetically.
    16. More to the Jackson point, it preserved the losing candidate's role on the convention stage.
    17. As a teenager he shook hands in the White House with John Kennedy and preserved a filmed record.
    18. He willed the small forest to his sons, who sold it to the state for $270,000 in 1968 on the condition that it be preserved as a "living museum." Dock Cornett, 68, contends the state has failed to live up to that obligation.
    19. Actors and historians campaigned against a developer's plans to cover it up and it is being partially preserved.
    20. Yet the prevailing tone is fairytale-exotic, wry but picturesque. In this concert-performance, Mstislav Rostropovich and the London Symphony preserved the ambiguous balance while revelling in Rimsky's opulent orchestral palette.
    21. The parents, arrested February in Toledo, are accused of conspiracy and solicitation to commit murder for allegedly hiring an assassin and attempting to have the victims' body parts preserved and shipped to Toledo.
    22. "I hope very much that the majority of the government members can make a decision on this and that the unity of the coalition government can be preserved," he told reporters at Ben-Gurion airport.
    23. But the recording was made in a Moscow studio and preserved Zvuki Mu's homegrown flavor, a blend of intellectual rock and funk.
    24. That success must be preserved primarily for the sake of the huge populations at risk; but for the richest countries Latin America offers not only growing markets, but badly needed proof that there is, after all, life after debt.
    25. And if the true Lakeland appearance of the forest is to be preserved, dry stone walls will have to be rebuilt and maintained, at heavy cost. 'Would a private-sector company take so much trouble?' wonders Hatfield, rather implying that they would not.
    26. And it is the job of history to chronicle in detail and with all nuances preserved just how we have been sons of bitches.
    27. The flood halted dreams for extensive excavation of the harbor, considered one of the best preserved in the ancient Roman world and expected to yield many relics from Leptis' beginnings as a key Phoenician port and later a prosperous Roman city.
    28. It also made its profit-sharing program more lucrative and preserved cost-of-living adjustment payments.
    29. Even the Mayan ruins rising from jungle clearings in the interior seem better preserved.
    30. Authorities say the remains, packed into a Sears television box, likely belong to member of the ancient Anasazi Indian tribe. Anthropologists and pathologists say the rare find is among the best preserved they have seen.
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