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 prescriptive [pri'skriptiv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 规定的, 指定的, 规范的

[法] 规定的, 指示的, 命令

    [ adj ]
    pertaining to giving directives or rules
    prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage

    Prescriptive \Pre*scrip"tive\, a. [L. praescriptivus of a
    demurrer or legal exception.]
    1. (Law) Consisting in, or acquired by, immemorial or
    long-continued use and enjoyment; as, a prescriptive right
    of title; pleading the continuance and authority of long

    The right to be drowsy in protracted toil has become
    prescriptive. --J. M. Mason.

    2. Of or pertaining to the doctrine that acceptable
    grammatical rules should be prescribed by authority,
    rather than be determined by common usage.

    1. In particular, a recent draft prudential note on lending policy has been criticised for being too detailed and prescriptive. Mrs Gilmore admitted that it was not easy to devise guidance that applied sensibly to the whole of the industry.
    2. Such guidance obviously includes detail, which is often given unduly prescriptive weight in civil litigation, or paraded as 'law' by safety contractors or less reputable safety consultants.
    3. "We object strongly to a prescriptive and highly rigid directive," says Unice's Mr. Tyskiewickz.
    4. Mr Baker, whose view prevailed, preferred a more ambitious prescriptive curriculum. Once the officials at the education department started drawing up the curriculum a second problem became apparent.
    5. Nor was it intended to dictate a set of prescriptive solutions, although various points were raised.
    6. Like so much prescriptive management literature this assumes that all problems and contradictions can be avoided by management foresight.
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