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 prescient ['presiәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 预知的, 有先见之明的

    [ adj ]
    perceiving the significance of events before they occur
    extraordinarily prescient memoranda on the probable course of postwar relations

    Prescient \Pre"sci*ent\ (pr[=e]"sh[i^]*ent or -shent), a. [L.
    praesciens, -entis, p. pr. of praescire to foreknow; prae
    before + scire to know: cf. F. prescient. See {Science}.]
    Having knowledge of coming events; foreseeing; conscious
    beforehand. --Pope.

    Henry . . . had shown himself sensible, and almost
    prescient, of this event. --Bacon.

    1. This brings to mind a prescient comment last year by James Carville, his campaign manager.
    2. Sculley may have overblown the potential of Newton, but he was prescient in statements about the convergence of computer, communications and consumer electronics technologies.
    3. Although the legal issues remain murky, junk bond investors and analysts continue to stockpile examples of prescient buying or selling of bonds ahead of news announcements.
    4. The pope says that we can now see how prescient Leo XIII was in his scathing critique of the socialist idea 100 years ago.
    5. But Dean Witter was prescient as well.
    6. All that is highlighted with a chartreuse felt marker so that even financial journalists can't fail to spot Mr. Celente's prescient musings.
    7. There is nothing about demand management, because he believed in 'Say's Law' - the proposition that in a flexible market economy, supply will create its own demand. Seemingly anachronistic in its day, the book now looks prescient.
    8. Some jocular remarks that Mr. Volcker made 13 months ago at Mr. Johnson's swearing-in ceremony now appear prescient.
    9. Hollinger's sale of 12.5m Telegraph shares in May appears remarkably prescient considering the newspaper's later decision to shred its cover price.
    10. Bluhm and Malkin's diversification now seems to have been prescient.
    11. Now we've actually sent U.S. troops to the Middle East, Carter said, and "I hope that our national response will be more sober." Carter may have been prescient about the need for a national energy policy.
    12. Lord Acton remains important today as a prescient critic of simple-minded, materialistic, pseudoscientific optimism and the statism to which it may have contributed.
    13. "At no point were the economists either prescient or helpful," wrote Lekachman.
    14. He was also instrumental in devising a means by which mainland Chinese companies could list their shares in Hong Kong. In opting for Dr Cheng the members of the exchange appear to have made a similarly prescient decision.
    15. His overall popularity is high, but some of his detractors say his black opponent in the general election, Tim Evans, was prescient.
    16. He would bring regional balance, national stature (greatly enhanced by his prescient speech on race relations in March), sporting fame, political compatibility, the lot.
    17. Though their good calls last year were prescient, their bad ones were awful.
    18. If Congress was more prescient than the administration it wasn't evident while it was whacking away at the defense budget just before Saddam made his move.
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