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 preposterous [pri:'pɒstәrәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 反常的, 乖戾的, 荒谬的, 首末倒置的

    [ adj ]
    incongruous;inviting ridicule
    the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homeworkthat's a cockeyed idea
    ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer
    a contribution so small as to be laughable
    it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion
    a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history
    her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous

    Preposterous \Pre*pos"ter*ous\, a. [L. praeposterus; prae before
    + posterus coming after, latter. See {Posterior}.]
    1. Having that first which ought to be last; inverted in
    order. [Obs.]

    The method I take may be censured as preposterous,
    because I thus treat last of the antediluvian earth,
    which was first in the order of nature. --Woodward.

    2. Contrary to nature or reason; not adapted to the end;
    utterly and glaringly foolish; unreasonably absurd;
    perverted. ``Most preposterous conclusions.'' --Shak.

    Preposterous ass, that never read so far! --Shak.

    Syn: Absurd; perverted; wrong; irrational; foolish;
    monstrous. See {Absurd}.
    -- {Pre*pos"ter*ous*ly}, adv.
    -{Pre*pos"ter*ous*ness}, n.

    1. White House officials have continued to attack a Senate bill to limit credit-card rates as preposterous, even though the legislation came a day after President Bush himself suggested that rates should go lower.
    2. Attorneys for the government have denied the suit has merit and filed a response that characterized plaintiffs' demands as "preposterous."
    3. Your junk call will constitute your agreement to the reasonableness of my fee." This may sound as preposterous as billing a mosquito for biting you.
    4. Another U.S. corporate raider who hasn't been conspicuously bearish, Irwin Jacobs, said yesterday, "Obviously this whole thing is just preposterous.
    5. New government guidelines on art submitted for funding through the National Endowment for the Arts are preposterous and dangerous, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Edward Albee said Saturday.
    6. "To say that the act of flag burning is somehow deeply enshrined in the First Amendment is preposterous," Dole said.
    7. A spokesman for the Bass group said the group hasn't seen the letter but "the allegations we've heard are completely preposterous."
    8. We admit to having prejudices about the preposterous Ethics in Government Act, but this is how we've been reading the coverage of these two men of Washington.
    9. The newspaper described the assignment as "preposterous." A reader who wrote to China Youth News agreed.
    10. Mr Levy dismisses the allegations as preposterous.
    11. But the most preposterous pledge, like no net loss of wetlands, is engraved in stone if it expands Beltway class power at the expense of ordinary serfs.
    12. Now that's preposterous." Bozell also criticized the Reagan administration's Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty with the Soviet Union and claimed it has weakened support for anti-communist rebels in Afghanistan and Angola.
    13. Harcourt characterized the unsolicited bid as "preposterous both as to intent and value."
    14. They prefer terms like "bubbles" or "patches." Does all this sound preposterous?
    15. A Reagan aide said it was "preposterous" for Moscow to deny it was developing such a system.
    16. The veterans' lawyer, Robert Hager, called Judge Weinstein's decision "preposterous and unprecedented," but said he had not decided whether to appeal.
    17. Viewed from the waterfront at Newport Beach, the notion of Orange County being hard-up seems preposterous.
    18. Paying for a book of ads may sound preposterous, but there's a $5 discount on the first order, more than offsetting the catalog price.
    19. These allegations by the IRS are preposterous."
    20. Mr. Trump called the bid "the most preposterous proposal I've ever seen."
    21. The route is "preposterous from every angle," says Dennis Yachechak, a railroad consultant in Paramus, N.J.
    22. Kennedy spokesman Paul Donovan said, "The story is preposterous and absurd.
    23. Jeffrey Nelson, a spokesman for the Amalgamated Council of Greyhound Local Unions, called Greyhound's latest claims "preposterous." "They've been claiming they turned corners for the last six weeks," said Nelson.
    24. His testimony is peppered with aggressive words: "preposterous," "reckless," "vendetta."
    25. As Dr. Walker he projects a steadiness of character that lends credence to his single-minded and sometimes preposterous pursuit.
    26. Considered as a series of gadfly attacks on some equally preposterous features of existing society, however, they sometimes strike home.
    27. Mr. Bode says, "The idea that we set him up is totally preposterous, and I never intended to harm Mr. O'Brien."
    28. He knows he is a preposterous talker.
    29. But foundation officials call that allegation preposterous and deny that any Ilhae donations were siphoned off to the Chun family or its friends.
    30. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s, for example: "I have long felt that any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous.
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