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 preparations 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Amid other summit preparations Tuesday, Reagan gave an interview to five European journalists.
    2. William "Gus" Pagonis, the U.S. Army's logistics chief, said he started on Christmas two weeks after he began Thanksgiving preparations.
    3. The Soviets have begun preparations to remove the first of their 115,000 soldiers from Afghanistan despite an impasse in United Nations-sponsored negotiations in Geneva, according to administration sources.
    4. "They made preparations as if it was a war," said Mohamed Hussein Amer, the zoo official in charge of birds and animals and one of several activists who stopped the anti-egret campaign.
    5. "As of mid-April, the investigation and preparations for prosecuting the case have come to a virtual standstill," reported the 19-member group, made up primarily of liberal Democrats opposed to Bush administration policy toward El Salvador.
    6. More than 1,500 animals at the Gladys Porter Zoo were included in the preparations for Hurricane Gilbert.
    7. Baker's talks with Shevardnadze, which begin Wednesday night, are intended as preparations for the event.
    8. Bobby Kahn, 30, was executive director of the Georgia Democratic Party when efforts began to bring the 1988 convention to Atlanta. He headed the successful drive, then moved to the Atlanta '88 corporation that was set up to manage preparations.
    9. The hospital began preparations to discharge the baby.
    10. The president, who was to return to Washington on Monday evening, discussed summit preparations and recent Persian Gulf developments with his national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, aides said.
    11. Also, Saudi Arabia reportedly increased orders for jet fuel, interpreted by the oil market as a sign of war preparations.
    12. A person familiar with his legal preparations said Tuesday the Princeton-Newport verdict would not affect Milken's plans to fight the charges.
    13. The weather conditions must be right, a contingency plan must be developed, preparations along the perimeter of the target area must be made, and the required manpower to maintain control must be available.
    14. The quarterly loss also included $26.6 million in costs from tax changes, ratecase preparations and an abandoned investment in a storage facility.
    15. Sieck said the preparations seemed "picture perfect" until 20 minutes before launch.
    16. Members of a U.N. team flew to Kabul on Saturday to begin preparations for monitoring the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
    17. Countdown preparations continued without incident Friday for space shuttle Columbia, which is scheduled to lift off next week on an astronomy mission with seven astronauts.
    18. The agreement with the Soviet Union and Bulgaria came at a time when evidence had been mounting of preparations for renewed guerrilla activity in Argentina.
    19. Hundreds of preparations, microwave items and many others commonly found in today's supermarkets were unheard of a few years ago.
    20. In the meantime, Secretary of State George P. Shultz will hold talks in Moscow next Sunday and Monday on preparations for their next summit meeting.
    21. Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency, monitored in Cyprus, said preparations to receive the freed inmates have been completed.
    22. That year, Jacksonspent a fraction of the estimated $500,000 he is putting into his staff of about 50 and preparations for this year's convention.
    23. Shuttle managers assessed all facets of the flight during a day-long meeting Wednesday and reported, "all preparations are progressing satisfactorily.
    24. As the black market takes a grip on the economy and the Mafia flourishes, Russia's chaotic World Cup preparations should not perhaps be too surprising.
    25. The activity of other commercial feverfew preparations was lower than expected, they said.
    26. He was answering the question, Why had he decided on developing a huge offensive capability for the possibility of a war rather than laying preparations for a long stay in Saudi Arabia while economic sanctions crippled Iraq.
    27. But the official Tass news agency said a working group's preparations for the meeting were continuing.
    28. Also Thursday, Foreign Minister Miguel D'Escoto accused the U.S. government of spreading "systematic lies" to discredit Nicaragua and its preparations for free elections in 1990.
    29. "It sets the stage for final launch preparations and the launch of Columbia in the first week of August," said NASA spokesman George Diller.
    30. Film producer Toby Halicki, who won a cult following with car-crash movies, was killed when a water tower fell prematurely during preparations for a stunt that local officials initially had tried to prevent.
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