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 predisposed 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 先倾向于...的, 事先安排好的

    [ adj ]
    made susceptible
    because of conditions in the mine, miners are predisposed to lung disease

    Predispose \Pre`dis*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Predisposed};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Predisposing}.] [Pref. pre- + dispose: cf.
    F. pr['e]disposer.]
    1. To dispose or incline beforehand; to give a predisposition
    or bias to; as, to predispose the mind to friendship.

    2. To make fit or susceptible beforehand; to give a tendency
    to; as, debility predisposes the body to disease.

    {Predisposing causes} (Med.), causes which render the body
    liable to disease; predisponent causes.

    1. "We aren't predisposed one way or the other," said Kerry Scanlon, assistant counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
    2. Such tests, the scientists say, could help divert children predisposed to alcoholism from situations that increase the chances of becoming an alcoholic.
    3. "There is no reason for people to be predisposed to buy Nissan."
    4. With Alan Greenspan, a Republican, at the helm, some say the Fed might be predisposed to keep credit conditions relaxed enough to avoid hurting the GOP's chances in November.
    5. Researchers have discovered that one-fourth to one-half of all children born of alcoholics are genetically predisposed to alcoholism.
    6. Of course those predisposed to rape or abuse will probably enjoy looking at pictures of what they like, but that is not a causal connection. The misconception is important because it sends programmes such as Dispatches up blind alleys.
    7. While Gacioch was predisposed to alcoholism before the brewery hired him, he was not an alcoholic when he got the job, the court said.
    8. Retchin explained that because Barry plans to raise the defense that he was entrapped by overzealous government investigators, Moore should be permitted to testify about the other substances to show he was predisposed to drug use.
    9. Maintaining law and order will challenge the integrity of security forces predisposed to white minority rule. But above all, the coming weeks will pose the first test of the constitution.
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