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 predecessor [,predi'sesә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 前任, 先辈, 前身

[医] 初牙, 前辈, 祖先

  1. Our new doctor is much younger than his predecessor.
  2. He undid most of the good work of his predecessor.
  3. His background parallels that of his predecessor.

[ noun ]
  1. one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone

  4. <noun.communication>

Predecessor \Pred`e*ces"sor\ (?; 277), n. [L. praedecessor; prae
before + decessor one who withdraws from the province he has
governed, a retiring officer (with reference to his
successor), a predecessor, fr. decedere: cf. F.
pr['e]d['e]cesseur. See {Decease}.]
One who precedes; one who has preceded another in any state,
position, office, etc.; one whom another follows or comes
after, in any office or position.

A prince who was as watchful as his predecessor had
been over the interests of the state. --Prescott.

  1. Although President Lee wields little of the influence his predecessor had, he quickly has proved himself to be the force to contend with at the upcoming KMT Party congress, which opens July 7.
  2. The head priest's predecessor and four other Sikh high priests, who were jailed during the operation, remain in custody.
  3. Party leaders, including Takeshita and his predecessor, Yasuhiro Nakasone, took Recruit money and Takeshita admitting to accepting the equivalent of $1.1 million in various forms.
  4. He praised his predecessor's moves to investigate the submarine collision and said his main goal was implementing measures to prevent accidents.
  5. The prime minister was elected to a five-year term in December 1984, two months after his mother and predecessor, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated by two of her Sikh bodyguards.
  6. Like its predecessor, the SPARCstation 2 uses the popular Unix operating system and Open Look graphical interface and packages the electronics in a small "pizza box" enclosure.
  7. Instead he is picking up the broken crockery caused by the scandal involving his predecessor Mr Mariano Rubio. 'The public seems to think that everyone in the Bank of Spain is under suspicion,' says Mr Rojo with a stab at humour.
  8. The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to consider a request that it nullify President Corazon Aquino's decision not to let her predecessor, Ferdinand Marcos, be buried in the Philippines.
  9. It isn't clear what Mr. Buzzetta will do differently than his predecessor, who was viewed as a businessman and dealmaker rather than a journalist.
  10. However, it did put one of its own men in as managing director just over a year ago, and it would be surprising if Sir Ewen were given as free a hand as his predecessor, the great great great great grandson of Coutts' founder.
  11. Poindexter's predecessor, Robert McFarlane, indicates that as early as the fall of 1985, Cmdr.
  12. Mr. Oberman's strategy and personality are far different from those of his predecessor.
  13. WEG's major asset is perhaps its large film library, which the company bought for $89 million from Cannon Group Inc., the predecessor to Pathe.
  14. His timid encouragement of private enterprise and some productivity-related incentives to workers was intended to bolster the dinar and liven up the moribund economy of his predecessor, and the architect of Algeria's bureaucracy, Houari Boumedienne.
  15. While chairman, between 1967 and 1986, he and his team were strongly criticised by a triumvirate of retired directors, including his own father and a predecessor, Bancroft Clark.
  16. But Mrs. Aquino's pledge to restore democracy has not been enough to quell the 19-year Communist insurgency, which expanded during the 20-year rule of her ousted predecessor.
  17. In 1981, Mr. Seegal was named managing director at Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Inc., a predecessor firm, and he also was named head of the firm's media and communications team.
  18. The exception was Mr. Takeshita's predecessor, Yasuhiro Nakasone, who stepped down in October after five years.
  19. Soviet officials acknowledged in April that the officers were killed by the NKVD, Stalin's secret police and the KGB's predecessor.
  20. Many South Koreans still identify Roh with his predecessor, although the new government has dismantled Chun's authoritarian controls and helped introduce widespread political reforms.
  21. Kemp's predecessor, Samuel Pierce, won't have to return until September to testify before a panel investigating alleged fraud and influence-peddling at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  22. The Tory tax bombshells due to rain down on us next year, including the highly unpopular value added tax on domestic fuel, were three times credited to his predecessor. In this way, blame for anything Mr Clarke may impose in November is minimised.
  23. Among them: _ Toshio Komoto, 77, a veteran lawmaker and former government minister who sought the prime minister's job in 1982 and lost to Yasuhiro Nakasone, Takeshita's predecessor.
  24. He served as resident director of the San Diego Philharmonic, predecessor to the San Diego Symphony, from 1950 to 1952, and presented the first series of children's concerts.
  25. His took over as prime minister on June 3 after his predecessor, Noboru Takeshita, was forced to resign because of the Recruit influence-peddling scandal.
  26. In a news conference on their first day in office, the executives said they plan "to stick closely" to the strategic direction of Mr. Marous's predecessor, Douglas D. Danforth, who retired.
  27. Usually such lamas are recognized as children to be the reincarnation of their predecessor who recently died.
  28. Two other former HUD officials _ Dean's predecessor as executive assistant, Lance Wilson, and former deputy secretary Hunter Cushing _ have also refused to testify before the subcommittee.
  29. Mistake The Air Force general named to replace the chief of staff ousted for public comments about U.S. contingency plans against Iraq says his predecessor made an "honest mistake." Gen.
  30. Mr. Virnich said it was his understanding that his predecessor intended to make an offer to purchase EAC, which for more than a month has been seeking a buyer.
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