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 precept ['pri:sept]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 规诫, 规矩, 格言, 训令

[经] 告诫, 指令

    [ noun ]
    1. rule of personal conduct

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a doctrine that is taught

    4. <noun.cognition>
      the teachings of religion
      he believed all the Christian precepts

    Precept \Pre"cept\, n. [L. praeceptum, from praecipere to take
    beforehand, to instruct, teach; prae before + capere to take:
    cf. F. pr['e]cepte. See {Pre-}, and {Capacious}.]
    1. Any commandment, instruction, or order intended as an
    authoritative rule of action; esp., a command respecting
    moral conduct; an injunction; a rule.

    For precept must be upon precept. --Isa. xxviii.

    No arts are without their precepts. --Dryden.

    2. (Law) A command in writing; a species of writ or process.

    Syn: Commandment; injunction; mandate; law; rule; direction;
    principle; maxim. See {Doctrine}.

    Precept \Pre"cept\, v. t.
    To teach by precepts. [Obs.] --Bacon.

    1. Was Mr. Robertson seeking to renounce a biblical precept for political gain?
    2. But some financial analysts and stock-market investors also are looking into who might stand to benefit, acting on the time-honored Wall Street precept that every crisis contains an opportunity.
    3. The compact of rights, duties, and mutual trust that makes human community possible depends upon our continuing adherence to the precept, Always to care, never to kill.
    4. As old as that precept may be, it carries an up-to-date message for "moonlighters" who earn income from a hobby or other sideline activity.
    5. It would be far better and less costly to pre-empt it. Would that Britain were prepared to apply this precept in Nigeria.
    6. As they map out strategies for managing their personal finances in the 1990s, many Americans seem to have agreed on a common precept: Put a little less faith in credit.
    7. Cardinal O'Connor has a duty as head of the Catholic Church in New York to remind all Catholics (including Mario Cuomo) about the precept concerning abortion and the consequences of ignoring the Catholic teaching on this subject.
    8. In the 1980s, policy mostly reverted back to a simple precept: Price fixing is definitely restraint of trade and that is the one to watch. Now, some would-be enforcers in Washington are trying to enlarge the hunting ground again.
    9. A more stringent view on debt is a key precept.
    10. It is a necessary precept for stability in the region ranging from Vancouver to Vladivostok. The process of growing together is under way.
    11. And it's not logical or fair code _ it's both too harsh and too lenient, and it elevates detail over substance, precept over principle.
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