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 pre- 添加此单词到默认生词本
pref. ...之前

[医] 在前

    Pre- \Pre-\ [L. prae, adv. & prep., before, akin to pro, and to
    E. for, prep.: cf. F. pr['e]-. See {Pro-}, and cf. {Prior}.]
    A prefix denoting priority (of time, place, or rank); as,
    precede, to go before; precursor, a forerunner; prefix, to
    fix or place before; pre["e]minent eminent before or above
    others. Pre- is sometimes used intensively, as in prepotent,
    very potent. [Written also {pr[ae]-}.]

    1. Telegate AG is expecting a pre- tax profit for the first time in the third quarter.
    2. President Bush this week will name an official observer team to monitor Panama's elections as he weighs a series of pre- and post-election actions in case of fraud, administration officials said Saturday.
    3. Earlier this year, the Securities and Investments Board, the City's chief regulatory watchdog, issued a discussion paper asking whether there is a need for a greater level of pre- and post-trade transparency.
    4. The cornerstone of the program, developed by GE Capital Mortgage Insurance Cos., is a home-buying and mortgage credit course including pre- and post-loan-closing sessions for borrowers.
    5. "Our guys got older, and a bit out of shape, but our pre- and post-game parties have held up well," noted Club Fred stalwart Heinz Werning, who sported a Mohawk-style hairpiece taped to his bald pate.
    6. In its kitschy fashion, "Star Trek" restored a certain balance, affirming patriotism, heroism and other pre-'60s virtues, while indulging in '60s-style humor and campy metaphysics.
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