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 potion ['pәuʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 饮剂, 饮料, 一次饮用量, 一服, 一剂

[医] 饮剂

    [ noun ]
    a medicinal or magical or poisonous beverage

    Potion \Po"tion\, n. [L. potio, from potare to drink: cf. F.
    potion. See {Poison}.]
    A draught; a dose; usually, a draught or dose of a liquid
    medicine. --Shak.

    Potion \Po"tion\, v. t.
    To drug. [Obs.] --Speed.

    1. The first act's ship is quite a dumpy little toy and there is, oddly, no light change as the couple drink the potion and go beserk with love.
    2. He found a Chinese doctor who seemed to have the powers of a fortune teller. 'He told me amazingly accurate things about my medical history, gave me a revolting tasting herbal potion, and two days later my condition started clearing up.
    3. Some had gotten potion shot to the back of their throats with syringes, where the swallowing reflex would bring it home.
    4. But if enterprising government officials here have their way, shops in America soon may be selling sakau, the potent potion preferred by Pohnpeians.
    5. Financial leverage is not some magic potion that, in and of itself, creates significant value for equityholders.
    6. Over two years, Mr. Byers guzzled perhaps 1,400 half-ounce bottles of the potion, Dr. Macklis says.
    7. "What's their magic potion?" asks Albert Shanker, president of the American Federation of Teachers.
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