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 posterity [pɒ'steriti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 子孙, 后裔

[法] 子嗣, 后代, 后裔

    [ noun ]
    1. all of the offspring of a given progenitor

    2. <noun.group>
      we must secure the benefits of freedom for ourselves and our posterity
    3. all future generations

    4. <noun.group>

    Posterity \Pos*ter"i*ty\, n. [L. posteritas: cf. F.
    post['e]rit['e]. See {Posterior}.]
    1. The race that proceeds from a progenitor; offspring to the
    furthest generation; the aggregate number of persons who
    are descended from an ancestor of a generation;
    descendants; -- contrasted with ancestry; as, the
    posterity of Abraham.

    If [the crown] should not stand in thy posterity.

    2. Succeeding generations; future times. --Shak.

    Their names shall be transmitted to posterity.

    Their names shall be transmitted to posterity.

    1. At the same time that collecting could document traditional Indian culture and save it for posterity, it also tended to weaken traditional practices by stripping the Indians of the objects that were essential to the daily life of their culture.
    2. Then later, when accident brought the Teuton back into Thalberg's orbit, the young executive sliced Erich's five-hour 'masterpiece' Greed - to posterity's horror - to 2 1/2 hours. But Flamini offers some counter-attacking facts.
    3. Earlier, Bush was asked about Yasser Arafat while he posed for posterity with Italian Prime Minister Ciriaco De Mita.
    4. The Royal Opera House has just formed a joint company with Pioneer, the giant electronics company, which will lead to around 20 Covent Garden productions being retained for posterity on CDV, the new technique which brings video to the compact disc.
    5. It should have been videoed for posterity.' Performances such as this were rare.
    6. "We've come to perpetuate Ellington as a composer," Mercer Ellington said. "Personally, it gives me the satisfaction of knowing we have located Ellington in a place of posterity.
    7. As the Constitution says, "secure the blessings to our posterity." Until next week, thanks for listening and God bless you.
    8. We must provide for our nation the way a family provides for its children. Our founders saw themselves in the light of posterity.
    9. When an Italian known to posterity as Sanctorius invented the fever thermometer, it was a cumbersome water-based device that didn't find much of a market, but it was the first step toward the in-home testing kit.
    10. "We're inviting major artists to come here and play into the machine, and the data base is being preserved for posterity so that we can always play back these well-known artists."
    11. You might be interested to know how the distance of Mize's epic shot was set for posterity at 140 feet.
    12. The Master ES has caught for posterity the fate of a man on his deathbed being tempted by three demons.
    13. The possibility that Schulz's manuscript survived the Nazis sets one thinking of the real diary of the teacher Chaim Kaplan, which was saved for posterity in a kerosene can.
    14. Music, the dance and other arts were traditionally passed down from teacher to student rather than recorded for posterity.
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