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 possession [pә'zeʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拥有, 占有, 所有, 财产, 领土, 领地, 自制, 着迷

[经] 占有, 持有

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of having and controlling property

    2. <noun.act>
    3. anything owned or possessed

    4. <noun.tops>
    5. being controlled by passion or the supernatural

    6. <noun.state>
    7. a mania restricted to one thing or idea

    8. <noun.motive>
    9. a territory that is controlled by a ruling state

    10. <noun.location>
    11. the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior

    12. <noun.attribute>
    13. (sport) the act of controlling the ball (or puck)

    14. <noun.act>
      they took possession of the ball on their own goal line

    Possession \Pos*ses"sion\, n. [F. possession, L. possessio.]
    1. The act or state of possessing, or holding as one's own.

    2. (Law) The having, holding, or detention of property in
    one's power or command; actual seizin or occupancy;
    ownership, whether rightful or wrongful.

    Note: Possession may be either actual or constructive;
    actual, when a party has the immediate occupancy;
    constructive, when he has only the right to such

    3. The thing possessed; that which any one occupies, owns, or
    controls; in the plural, property in the aggregate;
    wealth; dominion; as, foreign possessions.

    When the young man heard that saying, he went away
    sorrowful, for he had great possessions. --Matt.
    xix. 22.

    Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession.
    --Acts v. 1.

    The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
    --Ob. 17.

    4. The state of being possessed or controlled, as by an evil
    spirit, or violent passions; madness; frenzy; as,
    demoniacal possession.

    How long hath this possession held the man? --Shak.

    {To give possession}, to put in another's power or occupancy.

    {To put in possession}.
    (a) To invest with ownership or occupancy; to provide or
    furnish with; as, to put one in possession of facts or
    (b) (Law) To place one in charge of property recovered in
    ejectment or writ of entry.

    {To take possession}, to enter upon, or to bring within one's
    power or occupancy.

    {Writ of possession} (Law), a precept directing a sheriff to
    put a person in peaceable possession of property recovered
    in ejectment or writ of entry.

    Possession \Pos*ses"sion\, v. t.
    To invest with property. [Obs.]

    1. According to the television report, the IRA members were in possession of false identity papers and detonators when they were picked up on July 14.
    2. Gayle Turenne, 31, was charged Wednesday in a warrant with one count of possession of cocaine, said Lt.
    3. Camarena and Reveles were booked for investigation of conspiracy to commit murder and Aleman was booked for possession of a sawed-off rifle.
    4. The measure would ban the import of five foreign-made weapons and outlaw the manufacture of four other varieties in this country. The bill would not bar possession or sale of the weapons.
    5. Michael Trant, who was an associate deputy attorney general, pleaded guilty to one count of cocaine possession.
    6. All three men were convicted of massacre and illegal arms possession.
    7. Pending indictment, all four men face a federal complaint of possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.
    8. The flat had been bought earlier the same day for Pounds 120,000. In April 1992 Mortgage Express obtained an order for possession.
    9. On Jan. 9, he was charged with possession of less than an ounce of marijuana and following a vehicle too closely after an accident in which his car struck the rear of another vehicle.
    10. They arrested 20 villagers in possession of the cache.
    11. The funds also said they may try to take possession of some VMS properties.
    12. Vento was acquitted of the first murder count; a weapons possession charge; one count of unlawful imprisonment; and five counts of discrimination.
    13. Mayor Marion Barry, who leaves office next month facing a jail term for drug possession, says he intends to remain a public servant.
    14. But she said Quinn prolonged "the agony for two years" by not allowing Zaccaro to plead to a lesser count of cocaine possession.
    15. Just Sunday morning, a police task force in Brooklyn raided several social clubs and arrested five people for weapons possession, said Sgt. Tina Mohrmann, a police spokeswoman.
    16. Barry is accused of 10 misdemeanor cocaine possession counts, one misdemeanor count of conspiracy and three felony counts of lying to a grand jury.
    17. The three men were charged with second-degree assault, aggravated harassment, criminal possession of a deadly instrument and criminal possession of a controlled substance, marijuana. Dessoye was also charged with driving while intoxicated.
    18. The three men were charged with second-degree assault, aggravated harassment, criminal possession of a deadly instrument and criminal possession of a controlled substance, marijuana. Dessoye was also charged with driving while intoxicated.
    19. "I don't think that anybody who has got a known record in terms of criminal activity or somebody who has had mental problems _ I don't have any problem with preventing those individuals from getting possession of any gun," Deukmejian said.
    20. Walsh said his office had tried to determine if North had possession of the documents "so we could subpoena them." Prosecutors then learned from Fawn Hall that the notebooks were in Sullivan's office, Walsh said.
    21. Authorities charged rock 'n' roll great Chuck Berry with child abuse and possession of marijuana based on evidence seized in a raid on his home last month.
    22. The single cocaine possession conviction carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a $100,000 fine.
    23. Lee has been arrested several times and been convicted of armed robbery and cocaine possession with intent to deliver, police said. He did not have any cocaine on him at the time of the shooting, they said.
    24. In June 1987, a security guard responsible for protecting the laboratory's super-sensitive plutonium facility was arrested for drug possession.
    25. Mayor Marion S. Barry, his political career jeopardized by his arrest on a cocaine possession charge, plans to enter a substance abuse treatment program, a close adviser to the mayor said Saturday.
    26. A man accused of setting his ex-wife's boyfriend on fire was ordered to stand trial for possession of an illegal weapon and criminal mischief, officials said.
    27. Three of the men appeared briefly in the Johannesburg Magistrates Court on Monday in connection with the possession of weapons, although they have not yet been charged with any crime.
    28. Sold the AMA his home for $280,000, although the AMA "was in possession of a single appraisal indicating that the value of the property was from $265,000 to $272,000." Sammons retired in February.
    29. "At bottom, the court today is so disquieted by the possible exploitation of children in the production of the pornography that it is willing to tolerate the imposition of criminal penalties for simple possession," he said.
    30. Scott was charged with unlawful imprisonment, menacing and possession of the weapons and drugs, Capt.
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