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 portrayal [por'treəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 描绘, 描写, 画像, 肖像

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    [ noun ]
    1. a word picture of a person's appearance and character

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture

    4. <noun.act>
    5. a representation by picture or portraiture

    6. <noun.cognition>
    7. any likeness of a person, in any medium

    8. <noun.artifact>
      the photographer made excellent portraits
    9. representation by drawing or painting etc

    10. <noun.act>

    Portrayal \Por*tray"al\, n.
    The act or process of portraying; description; delineation.

    1. The latter show caused protests from nursing groups for its sexy portrayal of student nurses.
    2. The scene is helped immeasureably by Nancy Marchand's portrayal of the flinty but very proper matriarch.
    3. At times, though, Quaid becomes almost cartoonish in his portrayal.
    4. In tackling parts like the mischievous innkeeper's daughter in "Don Quixote" and the remote but passionate temple dancer in "La Bayadere," she offers less a portrayal than an impersonation.
    5. The Rev. John Probst, a Baptist minister whose Media Focus group offers Bible study classes at studios and networks, has objected to the portrayal of Jesus as "a wimpy, almost milquetoast" character.
    6. Bob Gunton's portrayal of the title character echoes the Len Cariou original.
    7. If that's the case, Ms. Baxter is certainly in for a surprise when she sits down and watches herself in this pure, relentlessly chilling portrayal.
    8. Some critics say his romantic portrayal of old Japan perpetuates the myth that Japan is unique, a misconception they say still keeps Japan from participating fully in the international community.
    9. On Sept. 22, it will begin a 10-week run in Los Angeles, where the cast will include James Earl Jones, who won a Tony Award for his portrayal of an embittered ex-baseball player in the play.
    10. The parents and relatives are both too young and too obviously unversed in the art of character portrayal.
    11. Then comes a repeat of Blackadder II in which Miranda Richardson gives an unforgettable portrayal of Elizabeth I as a mischievous eight-year-old (10.00).
    12. It is production as substitute for interpretation, and on these terms it worked helpfully on Monday night when Lisa Cullum and Bart de Block were the central figures. Miss Cullum is a young dancer, and her Giselle is a tender, very immature portrayal.
    13. Julie LeGrand gave a sensitive portrayal of her unhappy decline.
    14. " Last month, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded the critically acclaimed show an Emmy for best comedy series. Bergen also won her second outstanding lead comedy actress trophy for her acid-tongued portrayal of a star TV journalist.
    15. Their portrayal stands in sharp contrast to the portrayal of Milken by government investigators as a scheming, manipulative, arrogant and greedy trader who colluded with now-imprisoned inside trader Ivan Boesky to violate a range of securities laws.
    16. Their portrayal stands in sharp contrast to the portrayal of Milken by government investigators as a scheming, manipulative, arrogant and greedy trader who colluded with now-imprisoned inside trader Ivan Boesky to violate a range of securities laws.
    17. But it is the dark portrayal of U.S. social policy that has become their biggest weapon.
    18. Reagan, unveiling a commemorative stamp to mark the 100th anniversary of Rockne's birth, reminisced both about Rockne's storied career and his own role in Hollywood's portrayal of it.
    19. Laurence Olivier called it "the best play ever written," and his 1948 film portrayal was the only Shakespeare work ever to win Academy Awards for best film and best actor.
    20. Brian Main, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, argues that the portrayal of options as lacking downside risk neglects the fact that they have a real value when they are issued, which can be calculated using pricing formulae.
    21. That changed recently with his portrayal of Sir Toby Belch in "Twelfth Night," the opening production of the New York Shakespeare Festival's annual summer sojourn in Central Park.
    22. Miss Pleshette also apologized for the NBC-TV series' portrayal of nurses as doctor-chasing airheads, and asked for their help: Save Our Show.
    23. The candidate disputed Bush's portrayal of him as being soft on crime, taking about the mugging of his father and the hit-and-run death of his only brother.
    24. True, her portrayal of homosexuals as central characters in her novels probably helped to change public and middle-brow attitudes, and she had a cult gay readership, especially in the US.
    25. So did an attorney for Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, who has expressed particular dismay at the papers' portrayal of Detroit as a market in decline.
    26. She will work often with Dana Delany, who just won an Emmy for her portrayal of nurse Colleen McMurphy.
    27. But Burbank Superior Court Judge Stephen O'Neil ruled Wednesday that the central issue was a contractual one that had nothing to do with West's portrayal of Batman.
    28. Thanks to Steven Weber's skillful portrayal of the father, and Robert Gorman's wrenching performance as the boy, the film is, by the end, a tale that should wring tears from all but the stone-hearted.
    29. DeCrane and James W. Kinnear, Texaco's president and chief executive officer, presented an optimistic portrayal to the attentive gathering.
    30. He admitted his early ambivalence about undertaking the portrayal of Brown.
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