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 ponderous ['pɒndәrәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 沉重的, 笨重的, 毫无趣味的, 生硬的

    [ adj ]
    1. slow and laborious because of weight

    2. <adj.all>
      the heavy tread of tired troops
      moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot
      ponderous prehistoric beasts
      a ponderous yawn
    3. having great mass and weight and unwieldiness

    4. <adj.all>
      a ponderous stone
      a ponderous burden
      ponderous weapons
    5. labored and dull

    6. <adj.all>
      a ponderous speech

    Ponderous \Pon"der*ous\, a. [L. ponderosus, from pondus, -eris,
    a weight: cf. F. pond['e]reux. See {Ponder}.]
    1. Very heavy; weighty; as, a ponderous shield; a ponderous
    load; the ponderous elephant.

    The sepulcher . . .
    Hath oped his ponderous and marble jaws. --Shak.

    2. Important; momentous; forcible. ``Your more ponderous and
    settled project.'' --Shak.

    3. Heavy; dull; wanting; lightless or spirit; as, a ponderous
    style; a ponderous joke.

    {Ponderous spar} (Min.), heavy spar, or barytes. See

    1. It's no small pig." While traffic on the expressway was stalled, police spent about 30 minutes looking for the ponderous porker, he said, and it didn't put up much of a fight.
    2. His Ariel is glacial, ponderous, even baleful.
    3. Where once there were ponderous radiators now the heat source is invisible, hidden under the floorboards. The curtains came down and were replaced with blinds.
    4. After he put the executives in touch with state officials who could help with the ponderous paper work, the company landed $49 million in federal contracts to lay and service an underwater telecommunications cable to Japan.
    5. Unlike Pinchas Steinberg's conducting - which was at best efficient, more often ponderous and plonking, with a deplorable penchant for gross, un-Rossinian rallentandi at the ends of numbers.
    6. Shevardnadze, saying he was engaged in "an act of creative work," signaled that spontaneity and imagination would be central to the Soviet approach _ a major change from the ponderous and inflexible diplomacy of the pre-Gorbachev era.
    7. Thinking such ponderous thoughts through to a satisfactory conclusion is not his strength.
    8. They worry about heavy things, ponderous things, things that keep you up at night.
    9. Gross is always immensely well-informed, perceptive without being ponderous, and he never allows indignation to cloud his judgment.
    10. Cooper's prose may be famously ponderous, but a film is still to be made that does justice to his darkly winding storytelling and to the ambivalence of Natty Bumppo, that sage and savage once dubbed by Balzac literature's 'moral hermaphrodite.'
    11. But this book is ponderous when it is not fluffy.
    12. Still, the book's unceasingly ponderous tone and jargon don't help.
    13. It is either that or Pharaoh building pyramids (that is, the insanely ponderous governments of developed nations today).
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